From <a href="http:\/\/\/2015\/01\/26\/the-gops-new-year\/" target="_blank">Sullivan</a>: ... Then we had the spectacle of last weekend&rsquo;s Steve King confab in Iowa. In Roger Simon&rsquo;s words, the clown car became the clown van ... The Palin speech was truly a wonder &ndash; an Allan Ginsburg-style Republican &ldquo;Howl&rdquo;. I know that with respect to her, I&rsquo;m an alcoholic who shouldn&rsquo;t go near a bar &ndash; but I couldn&rsquo;t help myself. Watching the stream of narcissistic, delusional consciousness was like downing three shots of J&auml;ger at once. And there were times when it seemed as if she&rsquo;d done the same thing (just pick any three minutes at random) &lt;includes a link to the Palin speech&gt; ... A party that nominated a deranged fantasist like this for vice-president &ndash; and still lets her rally its base &ndash; is, to put it mildly, a joke. &quot;
Two ounces Elk River water, one glob of Gulf of Mexico oil spill, a couple of ice cubes from Prince William Sound, shaken not stirred. Served up with a twist of field-dressed moose antler. Cheers.
If Sarah Palin could organize her vapid, pointless thoughts into anything even vaguely resembling sentences and paragraphs, she&#039;d be Maureen Dowd.
The interminable politi-fests that went on this weekend remind me of the awards shows that seem to be on teevee every week or two. Can these people never stop celebrating themselves?
Nice try, but Maureen Dowd doesn&#039;t write in paragraphs. She writes declarative sentences in random sequence.
Barack Obama is closing out his presidency with the bold moves of a chess prodigy. In previous years, the deficit was the solvent destroying our solvency. Across the hall, the Senate clocks have slowed as if to disprove Einstein&#039;s calculations about time.
From <a href="http:\/\/\/2015\/01\/26\/the-gops-new-year\/" target="_blank">Sullivan</a>: ... Then we had the spectacle of last weekend&rsquo;s Steve King confab in Iowa. In Roger Simon&rsquo;s words, the clown car became the clown van ... The Palin speech was truly a wonder &ndash; an Allan Ginsburg-style Republican &ldquo;Howl&rdquo;. I know that with respect to her, I&rsquo;m an alcoholic who shouldn&rsquo;t go near a bar &ndash; but I couldn&rsquo;t help myself. Watching the stream of narcissistic, delusional consciousness was like downing three shots of J&auml;ger at once. And there were times when it seemed as if she&rsquo;d done the same thing (just pick any three minutes at random) &lt;includes a link to the Palin speech&gt; ... A party that nominated a deranged fantasist like this for vice-president &ndash; and still lets her rally its base &ndash; is, to put it mildly, a joke. &quot;
Did they show the British trying to take away Sam Adams&#039; guns? No? Looks like I&#039;ll have to wait for the Palin interpretation.
Hey, maybe that MMS industrial bleach enema/douche/purgative (and garden fertilier) has a use after all...
Maybe on all fours wearing a saddle? It would be no fun not to speculate.
Two ounces Elk River water, one glob of Gulf of Mexico oil spill, a couple of ice cubes from Prince William Sound, shaken not stirred. Served up with a twist of field-dressed moose antler. Cheers.
Wait. What? She thinks?
My eyes are up HERE, Sarah!
Bristol is sporting boxing gloves now?
If Sarah Palin could organize her vapid, pointless thoughts into anything even vaguely resembling sentences and paragraphs, she&#039;d be Maureen Dowd.
I still shudder to think how close she came to being VP not to mention a heart attack away from president.
Even the teleprompter couldn&#039;t handle the word salad derp that is a Lou Sarah dialog.
And sending them to a war for no reason except to resolve your Oedipal issues.
Kim Kardashian is the respectable one in those pictures.
The interminable politi-fests that went on this weekend remind me of the awards shows that seem to be on teevee every week or two. Can these people never stop celebrating themselves?
Nice try, but Maureen Dowd doesn&#039;t write in paragraphs. She writes declarative sentences in random sequence.
Barack Obama is closing out his presidency with the bold moves of a chess prodigy. In previous years, the deficit was the solvent destroying our solvency. Across the hall, the Senate clocks have slowed as if to disprove Einstein&#039;s calculations about time.
That&#039;s my transcript, and I&#039;m sticking to it.