Let's improve education by substituting real science with popular myths and letting local school boards opt out of national standards in the name of local control!

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There was that weird swollen hair/head thing going on Election Night... perhaps a humansuit 'wardrobe malfunction'

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And in a similar fashion: Chimps also throw their poop at people.

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They are going to criticize anyway, so why not shut up?

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BTW, no comment from Wonkette that Peggy Noonan referred to Palin as a nincompoop?

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where's katie couric when you need her?

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From gaudy crown to obscuritySent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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Does "DWTS" stand for "DimWiTS?

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<i>"Feds experiment w their future"?</i> How about "roll of the dice experiments w their future" or "Jeebus experiments w their future"?

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Hooray for Bristol. Setting a new Palin family standard for not quitting.

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Those feds experimenting with kids future! Reminds me of the Founding Fathers, experimenting with democracy. Luckily that worked out. (Not so much for the slaves until 1865, but still....)

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So once the right-wing eliminates reproductive choice and privatizes education all young girls can follow in Bristol's footsteps to glory on a tawdry teevee show.

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