$19 grand for a YouTube video that only the dolts who gave her the money in the first place would ever bother to watch? This becomes more and more like a televangelist scam with each passing day.

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That was a good one. It reminded me of a joke that was popular in WWII.<br /><br />It seems a P-38 pilot had a rough last trip and he had to belly land his ship. When the medic got to him, he took a look at the bullet and shrapnel holes, the control surfaces shot away, and worst of all the pilot. Not only was he shot to ribbons, but his face smashed into the gunsite doing incredible damage to his face.<br /><br />The medic just stared and asked, \"Jeez, buddy...how do you feel?\"<br /><br />Through the bloody froth of his ruined face, the pilot said, \"It only hurts when I laugh\".<br /><br />---

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I wonder how much of the 255 large went to consultant Bristle.

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Is embezzlement of PAC money a crime?

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Actually, they <i>do</i> come cheap, but he makes up for it in volume.

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That was possibly the worst joke I have ever heard...and I know some stinkers. Plus, I'm always looking for humor that makes fun of $arah. While this makes fun of her, it ain't humor.

And really...everyone knows when a skinny fuck goes plumbing the depths where many have previous plumbed, you need to use a <i>2x4</i> strapped across the ass. A 2x8 simply doesn't have the strength.

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He got started by flashing his twat and licking his fingers?! I thought he got his start by stone killing folks that didn't see things his way.

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That is one shitload of bendy straws.

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