I did work in Canuckville for a couple of years Oh, the Scottish girls!

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If prayer worked I wouldn't be covered in rust up to my elbows.

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If I save three planets, can I send them in and redeem them for a Wingnut Seekrit Decudder Ring?

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I often wish I could, but I live in a little farm service town, in one of the hotter parts of Ontario. Best I can manage is to walk as much as I can and keep the temps a little higher in summer and a little lower in winter. Every little bit etc.

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That's how it works. Everyone will just live in the ocean, and everybody knows that being in the water cools you down!

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Which people? I could see an up side to this.

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Are we going to see problems before the end of this quarter? No?! Then ... are we going to see problems before performance reviews are completed, even? No? No?!? I ... I can't believe you people. Get back to work!

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Gosh, didn't you think to get a pair of those new, stainless steel prosthetic hand-and-arm sets? The old painted kind always rust out that way. I mean, if you really need the built-in hand cannon, I suppose it could be worth the trade-off, but then you really need to keep the maintenance up!

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Y'know, religion is all about denying death is the end of existence; if you can manage that one, you can deny anything.

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You definitely generated a response.

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But it snows in the US during the winter. Ha!

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The EPA failed to give equal time to the NRA and other Koch-tards ability to shoot AGW out of the air faster than a young black male in handcuffs by a fat white male - for an award from Heartland Institute of Reptile Dysfunction.

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Given that Global Overheating is all a lie to keep scientists in jobs (well known fact, anybody who predicts GW is given money by the UN) then OBVIOUSLY these costs don't exist. Therefore listening to Big Sci is just going to cost money, not save it.

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Yes! But don't forget your proof of purchase!

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Believe me, I worried over the decision for a long time. I did learn one thing, though - always get your prosthetics undercoated, no matter how good the factory finish is. It's the salt in winter. Gets everywhere.

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Not even their black hateful souls (do they have those--whatever the evil equivalent of a soul, then) will keep those Koch fuckers alive until 2100. In other words, they'll be dead, so why do they care?

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