physical violent war is antiquated.much easier and cheaper to do it by levis and coca cola.

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'Thank you for taking my question uh General Miller do you feel like you forgot anything in Afghanistan you know like perhaps state of the art weaponry or anything like that?'"Not off the top of my head no".'Do these photos ring a bell?'"Oh that, that's just some army surplus stuff leftover from WWII. Completely obsolete."'World War 2 you say?'"Maybe even WWI. Some of it even looks Civil Warish circa 1864. Can we move on now? It won't help the Taliban anyway. They drive on the other side of the road over there."'Can you envision any scenario where a cash strapped Taliban sell these weapons to ISIS and other terrorist groups thus leading to an explosion of world wide terrorism?'"Absolutely none".'Why is that sir?'"We took all our maps of Mexico with us when the troops left".'With all due respect general Mexico is not even in the same hemisphere as the terror cells in the Middle East and Africa'."Tomato Tomahto."

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Absolutely! Give them some private time to grieve. I am very sorry they experienced such a terrible loss! But it stops there.

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Subtle....and approved.

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wait?!! what?!!

who are the orcs here?

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The Taliban is going to screw it all up, you know they will. I think they are going to learn the lesson of "careful what you wish for and be an asshole about".Same goes for Texas. That's going to be a real shit show when SCOTUS doesn't do anything. Can you just imagine what chaos will fill up the courts and all the hostility in gun happy Texas? Boy Howdy, those Texas Rs, Christofacists and SCOTUS are really going to see what FAFO means.

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Yes, the Taliban could be the dog who caught the car. Here in the good ole US of A the Tea Party learned it's one thing to stand on the sidelines and bitch; quite another to actually try to govern. Further, in a very violent country such as Afghanistan, unhappy people aren't going to be shy about expressing their displeasure.

The second revolution is always a whole lot easier than the first one, although in this case I think Afghanistan will very quickly slip into a horribly bloody civil war.

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the last ezra klein and any pod save america are so important.


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"We're going to fight to protect parent's rights to make health care decisions for their children. They know what is best for their children.

A few paragraphs later....

You are correct! On Friday, Leon County Circuit Court Judge John Cooper agreed with the plaintiffs — a group of Florida parents* — that the mask ban violates the Florida Constitution and Parents' Bill of Rights.

Let's see if you can spot the problem here....😏

*Emphasis mine

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Too rosy a view of what China has actually achieved. Look to what had been actually built vs. ehat was promised. Remember too that 'China' overseas is an amalgam of government and corporate interests, with varying amounts of central control. Also consider that China will be subject to the same instability of government partners as Western powers. One coup or a popular backlash against Chinese influence could erode years of efforts. Such backlash has already begun, in Zambia, for example.Also, the resource wars will not be primarily about metals or energy, for which global markets and multiple sources exist, but rather about water and arable land. Water will be about spats between neighbors. Arable land you only secure by invasion and occupation, not something China is interested in or capable of. Yet.Do however consider the increasing number of permanent Chinese residents in Africa. Or the Pacific nations for that matter. That's where colonial domination could succeed. Although also a process subject to backlash.

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That's just dumb. But as long as it feeds the narrative that Biden and the military fucked up, right?

That equipment belonged to the Afghan government.

Not state of the art either. Not for a long time.

Can you envision a scenario where the Taliban would sell anything to their mortal enemies? The group that wants them dead for being too soft so they can rule instead?

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Uh huh.

You nail yourself to the cross continually. Everyone is so mean to you, the grassroots left. Everyone is out to get you, the progressive left. No one listens to you. No one thinks beyond their borders but you. You're the only one with a global view of humanity. You're forced to undertake the thankless task of breaking us from whatever and it's such an uphill battle and no one really appreciates you fir it. But no matter how good and perfect you are people are still mean to whatever you think the left is.

Some days I'm amazed you can post, what with the nails in your wrists holding you to your criss.

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So you didn't see it?

Point being your hypocritical call out is just that. A hypocritical call out. As usual.

You know everyone else is wrong because they weren't there, but you're right even if you weren't there. It's the same bad faith bullshit as a creationist arguing that no one can know what happened in the Bible because we weren't there when it was written.

So what would you have done? There's a credible, imminent threat. The last bomb that went off killed 190 people and wounded hundreds more. Let the imminent threat through or not? Make the call. If you're wrong hundreds more die.

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What was your call in this situation? Let the threat through or not?

Your the kind of fool who thinks you solve the trolley problem by walking away from the switch.

Then at least your hands are clean

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I don't think that's it, Katamount. I think they block you for being snide, and dismissive of people who won't agree with your way of handling things I wrote that I'm "starting" to understand, but that's inaccurate. Your dismissive comment to me is an example of what I'm talking about, and I've seen it for a while now. We aren't outraged enough for you, and so you assume we're not outraged at all. No one jumps on Joe's ass enough for you, and you seem not to think anyone is critical at all.

No one owes you a damn thing here, in terms of explaining themselves, or reacting the way you think they should. There's plenty of eye rolling and concern around here about the current administration, and you are unable to see it, or understand why many of us don't dwell on it. That's on you, not us.

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No Democrat ever blamed him for that, did they? It was just life, and the Middle East. It was just one of the awful things, if I'm not mistaken.

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