True, but I was getting very angry and trying to close out before I broke something.

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You know, I can sort of get the Carville and Matalin thing, but Maher sticking his pipi into Coulter's... whatever is all WTF? And I'm not even a big fan of Bill - it's just gross.

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I've always like that one guy skating through the ruckus to get to the door

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Last estimate I read was well over 3,000 lynchings in the U.S.

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I feel ya, Oddman...

I think the joke of the pic works on the both body shaming level, and the inappropriate dress in public level, and the rebel flag/butt X level. Percentage of which probably varies from viewer to viewer. For me it was mostly the "what the fuck are they wearing?" issue (are those shiny bikini shorts on that guy?), and the idea of walking around the corner and seeing them as my fellow shoppers. Ew!

Being a fat girl myself, the body shaming thing is pretty uncomfortable. And I think this pic does do its joke-making on that level; just on other levels as well.

[p.s., did you know I can come up with FIVE, yes FIVE incorrect ways to spell "inappropriate" before succumbing to spell check and letting it fix it for me? innappropriate. inaproppriate. iniproppriate. inapproppriate. inipropriate.]

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Agreeed. Ann is a vile, calculating, media whore who cynically peddles hate. But she's not stupid. Caribou Barbie is an evil idiot who's every moronic pronouncement sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard at Dipshit University.

And Ann at least has had the good sense not to BREED.

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Yep, glasses in hand, ready for the drinking game.

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Thanks Sister,You spell like an engineer, I know, I are one. Much of the time my spelling is so off that spell check just chokes and says nope. I then spend 5 minutes searching dictionary sites trying to find the word, then give up and go to a thesaurus and find some other word.

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You see, when a pole and a bracket love each other very much and want to run up a flag ....

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This is a woman who blamed 9/11 on the Iraqis for having done it. She is THAT stupid. I commend you on your restraint in calling her vile slime.

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All good points. How is she going to attract the demographic that is currently voting for Trump, though? Is the GOP going to walk away from them?

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The wolves were closing in, they had to do something.http://www.rescuepost.com/....

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"Bless your heart" doesn't so much mean "fuck you" as it means "Aw, you stupid sack of shit. *head pat*" It's much more passive aggressively hostile that way.

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As if Bill Maher didn't already irritate the fuck out of me....

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Whoa, Maher is doing Coulter? Yikes.

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The question remains, what type of "something" was she?

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