I can't believe she didn't follow up the "Devil walks among us" answer with "I see. So, is it you?"

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1. Nice Lovecraft reference in the headline.

2. I was thinking about making some clever reference to him having five-lobed feet, but basically, he's just an asshole with a lifetime appointment to fuck things up. So, really, the Great Old Ones wouldn't be much worse.

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Words have meaning. And their meaning doesn’t change."~Scalia on his Originalism.

It's charming that he is oblivious to linguistics. Does this explain why he thinks he doesn't know any gay people ?

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Needz moar onions on beltz

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Are you sure he didn't learn it from someone's newsletter? Like that Arizona crazy in the last post?

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Seeds of sanity? You know, a stopped watch is right twice a day.

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He doesn’t know for sure if he knows any gay people!

Erm, Fat Tony? You met any Republican senators... you know... from the Carolinas?

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He needs to use that stamp on his forehead.

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