Apple's Irish office on line two…

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Or clap at him as one might do to a two year old who successfully made a poop.

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She's out-Birxing Birx.

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That's right up there with "in order to save the village it was necessary to destroy it."

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Nancy Pelosi is an expert at politics. Sometimes people seem to forget this.

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Apparently McConnell can't even get all the Repub Senators to play nice with him. Roughly a dozen won't vote for any relief money at all, which means that a lot of Dem votes will be needed. The Repubs will likely push for a short-term, meaningless bill to make them look good before the election. Pelosi knows this.

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Then there were the people who claimed she wasn't really a liberal. Have they ever even heard of San Francisco? It doesn't elect conservatives.

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I personally don't, I'm a huge fan through thick and thin.There is a reason why the right has targeted her for so many years just like Hillary. They recognize the skills and brains and work hard to diminish them.

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Ta, MM.

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Tims Ryan will not have a favorable footnote in history.

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The Honorable Sherrod Brown!

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A good time to ask why is it weak to be a “pussy”, which can squeeze out a person, but having “big balls” is tough, even though if I, or any dude, gets as much as a stiff breeze on his tender nuts, he’s down for the count.

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Morning Joy FTW.

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I respectfully disagree that the GOP has selective ethics. They ask themselves two questions: 1, will it make rich people happy, and 2, will it make the poors happy? Their opinion of a policy depends entirely on the answer to those questions.

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best chance to kill off a few more voters before the election. If a few dozen DC staffers get sick and then pass it on to their bosses, Mission Accomplished! Hey if the GOP loses a couple more Herman Cains in the process, it will all be worth it if Biden or Nancy or some critical Dem dies in the process. It’s the only reason they are even considering even one debate. I’ll believe differently when they agree to have them remotely/online. Why is it too dangerous to have an in person convention, but perfectly fine to have an in person debate? Why the fuck has my hometown agreed to host one of these superspreader events?

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it helps if you aren’t also using the knife to punch holes in the hull and shred your life vest rather than cutting yourself loose. they passed “rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic” back somewhere around Mars and are well past the Kuiper belt by now.

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