Why would I read your profile? I don't even read the profiles of people I <i>like</i> much less serial wankers like you.

As aside, who names their company after a minor biblical dude who's famous for "spilling his seed"? Are you sure you folks don't make vibrators?

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Exactly. Shit...I'm at work too, but I'm not so self-absorbed that I expect people to know my agency.

(I still think it's a dildo company though)

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that's what my (much more legal minded) boy has been saying since this started.

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You know what's even more disturbing about you? Ok...You work for a company that spills its seed. Times are tough and you take the jobs you can. But...and this is a big one...why would you pick a user name that proclaims such a fapping? If I worked for your competitor, Bestiality Generators, I wouldn't pick that for my user name.

Are you the CEO in charge of Fappage?

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So...let me see if I understand this. A quickie is powered by an engine called Onan...is that a 4-stroke or a 2-stroke?<br /><br />---

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Bold words from a person who self-identifies himself as a serial pope polisher. Do you have to shave your palms much when you handle your "gun"?

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"What're you bringing to the fight? "

Your mom.

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Hey this is a lot of [redacted] fun!

It is a [redacted] big deal!

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Heh...you don't know what "Onan" refers to, do you?

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Love the new avatar!

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I love Wisconsin. The legislature pressed Governor asshat to detonate the executive authority bomb. Unfortunately for that ass wipe, the mutual exclusive destruction clause included labor, home owners, teachers, veterans, firefighters, wastewater treatement folks, police officers and finally, the friendly guys who pick up my trash.

He is so totally fucked. Read this little ditty from Forbes: <a href="http:\/\/blogs.forbes.com\/rickungar\/2011\/03\/04\/gov-scott-walker-has-lost-the-war\/" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://blogs.forbes.com/rickungar/2011/03/04/gov-...">http://blogs.forbes.com/ric...

You sir, Governor of the Great State of Wisconsin, will be royally (if that is a word) ass fucked by the majority.

And I will pray that this little event causes every person who has ever waffled, become confused or is threatened do this: pull the Democratic ticket when you vote, send a dollar to a liberal and watch the show. It’s going to be more fun than anything that Jerry Springer ever envisioned.

In the mean while time, fuck you Glenn Beck, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum. Greetings and goodnight from South Austin, Texas.

PS: I just e-mailed $200 to the Wisconsin Democrats. How does my cock feel in your ass you little Glenn Beck Goldbond piss hole? It’s tight, I know. Let the fucking games begin.

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PPS: SXSW is about to start in Austin. Come on down. I would love all you Wonkettes to see my town. For you downfisters, we have a Sesame Street show on the Gudalupe bridge.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=av4x6nZlefc&amp\;feature=related" target="_blank">This.</a>

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Most of my heroes don't appear on no stamps.

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