These idiots will believe anything at the drop of a hat. No critical thinking skills present.

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I hope your son is posted to a base in a country where normal doesn't include personal arsenals. Germany, maybe?

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Broken Arrow is also a Vietnam War era radio call that means an American unit is in danger of being overrun, and to summon all available close air support to the location to launch danger close. It hasn't been used since then, however.

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Way too soon. It's always too soon to talk about gun control -- unless, of course, it's too late.

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I am so stealing "Y'allqeda"

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Always - unfortuantely

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This is on you, Governor Abbott.

This irresponsible, fear-mongering buffoon should be held accoundable for any casualities -- either solider or civilian -- that result from the criminal actions of lunatic โ€˜sovereign citizens' or those self-appointed 'militiamen' patrolling the borders, awaiting the phantom massive federal invasion of Texas and other Southern states.

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That is nearly a Wonkette ready headline Feds Bust Nuts.

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Isn't that like predicting the return of the Messiah?

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And that guy is the best marksman from the local militia.

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Why would a harmless squirrel be hunting local yokels; I thought that was the dangerous squirrel's job.

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He is tired of waiting for the civil war to begin, so he's taking matters into his own hands.

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No need to be gnomic

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Just remember: good news and people going about their everyday lives doing their jobs and helping their neighbors and stuff is boring and doesn't sell.

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So will Alex Jones be arrested for this act on his radio show or will they wait and get him off the air? On the air would be better, more dramatic.

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