Exactly this. Although don’t know what you mean by “we’re all going to get it“. People who self isolate won’t get it.

(FWIW ‘pandemic’ just means global epidemic. And it’s a made up word and *I* don’t approve of it. 😊)

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Love me or the whole world will die including the unborn The only exception being Noah, his idiot family, and the animals on his boat.

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Chicken pox nearly killed me.

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Teachers, administrators, essential fast food workers, prisons, extended care facilities, first responders, grocery stores, meat packers, homeless, healthcare workers, and many more groups that don’t let you work by laptop are playing a giant game of Russian roulette. How many empty chambers versus bullets depends on several factors many of which are under your control, others which are foist upon you. Or like that old board game “Life”. Spin that center dial and land on a square take a card.......oops, bad investment lose college fund, spin again..... oops went to work, got corona, lose your turn?......or the entire game?

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I remember lining up for vaccinations at school. I had that smallpox vaccine scar on my arm for a long, long time.

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“Real wood”...made from the bones of Mole Children probably!

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I LOLed at #FootballBreath

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Apparently, there is a market for fake negative test results. So I wonder if one of the parents did that instead of actually testing their kid. Or, of course, the kid picked it up in the time between testing and showing up at camp.

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My father still has the scar from his polio vaccination.

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No! Just the bones of TREES! It arrived today in a long skinny box. 😍

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Also, too. Got a grandkid starting her senior year in a decent suburb where a lot of teaching staff at the state university live, so they're going with a hybrid program where limited numbers of students will come to the campus for activities that can't be done remotely (phys ed, science labs), and everything else online.

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"The Younger, The Better" Sounds like a winning slogan.

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I grew up in farm country. School always started the Wednesday after Labor Day, because the county fair ran Thursday through Labor Day, and the kids needed a day to get their animals home and settled before they went back to school.

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“And then the schools reopened…“ is going to be the start to one of the most horrifying chapters in the books written about this. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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I've coached football at the high school and then collegiate levels for the last 40 years and decided to take a sabbatical until the pandemic is over. After all that time you might think that I would question whether I had made the right choice, the truth is that I have never looked back. Based on what I have observed everything Opiwan stated is spot on. The state of Ohio has done a creditable job thus far managing the virus, but the governor and state athletic association are taking turns punting (pun not intended) this issue back and forth. The backlash from cancelling the winter and spring sports seasons was enormous and resulted in the firing of the state Executive Director so they are running scared. It's now heaped in the laps of the local districts.

Some strong young men are going to go to practice asymptomatic and spread to others on the team who will then go home and to school. Our community was hit hard in the assisted living facilities but has been very light otherwise, I am convinced that is going to change.

I love coaching kids but I simply could not, in good conscience, be party to the sickness and possible loss of life that I see coming. I hope I'm wrong.

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I know this is probably a silly question, but, if a child does get infected and never show symptoms or has any bad effect from it, does anyone know how long they still remain infectious?

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