I wrote to them, asking who their top five donors are and why they so often target LGBTQ books.

I’m not expecting an answer, but, if one should show up, I’ll share it. I’m sure it will be filled with truth, beauty, and American bullshit. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Public schools should be Federally subsidized.Living in the wrong zip code is fatal to success.Charters weasel out of requirements to produce competent citizens. Just wage slaves and STEM drones.

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For a long time, only schools whose districts included military bases had received some federal money, since the bases don’t pay property taxes.

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Thr only charter schools that should be allowed are public ones, with teachers as school system employees and boards filled entirely by parents. My state has a couple of such schools with a strong environmental focus. No private charter schools, especially not ones with for-profit contractors.

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Nothing in this piece comes as a surprise, but my head is still about to erupt like a volcano.

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Charter schools are segregationist institutions. It is no coincidence that in Mississippi, public schools are 98% black, and private schools are 98% white. Now they want federal dollars to support their racism.

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who the fuck banned Shel Silverstein? what a jackass

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The stupid part here is that the actual "elite" private schools are undoubtedly already far closer to teaching real CRT than the public schools ever will be, because it's their actual job to prepare kids to be competitive in the Ivy League system. The real split is going to be between legitimate private academies and rightwing think tanks posing as schools, and the politicians and donors with a real choice are certainly going with the former.

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It’s always about greed and money. Always.

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They show up at school board meetings across the country to yell their faces off, frequently going viral due to the sheer number of stupid things they manage to fit into the three minute allotment they have to talk.

For the record, I think Robyn intended a link here to a story from last week, but forgot. But I'll add it, because servicey:


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They don't need encouragement. It's solid marketing. A no-brainer.

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Dominionist agenda.

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The entire conservative movement consists of dimwits whose outrage is being "purposely stoked by professionals with an agenda"

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Wasn't somebody fulminating about "banning" Dr. Seuss not long ago? Can't remember . . . rhymes with Fucker Snarlson, I think.

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Good article about why US public schools are no longer viewed as a "public good" but instead a "pipeline for worker drones". Excerpts: why would a carpenter need biology? what good is algebra for a McDonalds employee?

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