Somewhere in a dresser drawer I still have the nice white yarmulke that I was given and asked to put on when I attended the wedding of a friend many years ago. And now, after all this time, I find out that I was a victim of Sharia law that day? But wait, its even worse than that. I remember way back when I was a kid my mother and my sister would customarily cover their heads with a hat or a scarf when we all went to Mass every Sunday. So it appears that Sharia law was creeping into me and my family's lives even way back then.

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And yet, no mention of the required bomb vest.

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And must ride everywhere in Hoverounds.

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Just striking a blow against Creeping Sharia Law, Reverend! We've slutted ourselves up for <i>Jayzus!</i>

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As I write this, the midday temp outside my window is a crisp -2 ℉. Covering up all bare skin sounds like a damned good idea right now.

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Ha! I'm allergic to broccoli! Freeeeeeeeeeedom!

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Say hi to my uncle. He works at the GO Cathedral. You can tell who he is 'cause he's the bearded guy wearing all black. Sometimes also a funny hat.

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Does it do better if first nurtured in a hothouse before transplant?

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Hope you kept the oxbloods.

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Didn't Selena Gomez just get in trouble for this in Abu Dhabi?

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Up until the 70s reporters of the female persuasion at political events had a special balcony reserved just for them, too, also. Of course most politicians were white christian males, so this makes perfect sense. Apparently these reporters were only to report on local school activities and the community social calendar.

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The Sharia, you say!

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and handle snakes. So I guess maybe they learn Parseltongue?

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Oh, so <i>now</i> it's legal for our youth to walk around in hoodies?!

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AAAND those are the people who regularly watch FOX News, where they literally installed glass desks because Roger Ailes knows his audience likes to eyeball all the "eyecandy."

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