Let me know when Hillz gets bored enough to start making arm farts and sticking spoons on her nose.

Edit: a better - classier, more presidential burn - would be to make a phone call during one of the derpier questions, look at the committee and ask "Do any of you guys want pepperoni on your pizza?"

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I think what we really need is a committee to investigate the Benghazi committee. That will get to the bottom of things for sure!

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Not watching, but am curious on how the "product placements" are being done. Has Hillary crossed her legs and then slowly uncrossed them?

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Remember the definition of insanity: keep doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

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Call casting and get a convincing character actor. Is Wilford Brimley still alive?

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Only Koch bros. are allowed to tell guberrmint critters what to do.

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She's close!

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First the important question. Dr Zoom, if you are from Idaho why are you wearing a Cheesehead hat? This is all a plot from the Hillary Conspiracy Unit to confuse and deflect the issue, isn't it? Admit it!

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He failed to keep us safe, however, from the perilous threat of the almighty pretzel! To be fair though, the odds were stacked against Bush when dealing that crafty opponent.

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Oh good. I was worried that Congress was going to get something done today. Bullet dodged!

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CNN has released this image of Trey Gowdy:

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I noticed that. Fine South Carolinthian Leather!

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Given the shear number of GOPers gerrymandered into both houses of Congress, that committee will have to be convened by the Canadian parliament.

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While the majority of those polled think the committee is a bucket of warm piss, "conservatives" break out in overwhelming support, and that is who this is for. To get high turnout despite the hideous candidate the Republican primary will spit out, they have to get the base completely hysterical at the thought of an HRC administration.

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If only they had thought this way back in the 70's: "America is sick and tired of hearing about Nixon's damned tapes."

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Look what they've done to my chair!

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