Anyone seriously doubting this theory just needs to read the weekly collection of emails sent to Newshounds by idiots who think it's part of Faux News.

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It's like you're the new Hunter Thompson, only less cremated and fired out of a cannon.

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OT, but how come some Wonk comment sections have comments that, if comments were allowed, have all sorts of weird numbers and letters in them, yet the comment sections(not allowed)under different articles are just fine?

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Sarcasm without little smiley faces :-) scattered (-: through it is a liberal plot.

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I assume you've just been <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/531145\/american-apparel-invites-you-to-wear-this-menstruating-vagina-on-your-chest" target="_blank">wringing these out</a>. That's what I do.

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It’s not that wingnuts don’t "understand" satire.

It’s that they despise it because it pokes giant holes in their authoritarian delusions of themselves.

if their opponents’ tolerance is so vital to them, perhaps they should have defined their public image by something other than intolerance.

(and PLEASE stop trying to make us clicky thru to the other website. The colors hurt my eyes.)

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I've long given up trying to debate with conservatives I know, as they just are completely unable to understand that there is any other viewpoint besides their own (e.g. the poors are greedy and are getting their big screen TVs and king crab legs with the welfare moneeze, Obammer is a non-citizen mulslin, Bengazi!!11!!!, death panels, etc.) are misguided and mean-spirited opinions and not facts.

Of course, it doesn't help that propaganda outlets like Faux just perpetuate these idiotic talking points. It just emboldens the stupidity.

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Smile and nod. Just smile and nod...

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