And you need to learn how to read.

There is no need for you to open your profile but only to be aware of Poe's Law and take actions to avoid people believing you might be a troll. Similarly there is no need for you to change your user name only to be aware that, because that name is so enigmatic, people cannot use other methods to search for your posts.

I said that your actions were like those of a troll and because of your status and your enigmatic user name I and others could not determine whether you were were snarking or not.

There was no claim to fame or infamy on my part. In other forums, when I am posting, I will often use the false tags snark on > and < / snark off to point out I am not trolling. Even on Wonkette I have asked on a couple of occasions if some post I have made is a snark too far. Neither of us has any fame, even in the limited communities in which we post.

Yours in all humidity ...

Oh, and that last word is a joke.

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Actually, everybody but you could tell I was joking. And hey, sorry that you couldn't tell - but then when I pointed out that it was parody, you had to jump to acting like a dick and blaming me for your inability to tell satire from the real thing, and claiming that I was somehow acting like a troll. What, for not saying "THIS IS SATIRE!!" - or using a fake tag for snark, really? That's just ridiculous.

I don't know why you have to react like a rude and self-important asshole over your own inability to tell parody from the real thing, but that is your problem, not mine. Or maybe this is just a pose, and you're just being a dick to troll, I don't know. But hey, I really value you telling me what name I'm allowed to use! Now please, get over yourself and stop bothering me.

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I know! You can even SEE the one guy's thingamajig!

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I assumed it was a reference to the type of pics right wing sites use whenever they post about the LGBT "lifestyle"?

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He prefers it crammed down his throat.

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... and a turkey baster.

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Awwwww ...

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Considering the fanart/porn out there, not as many as you may think. *shudder*

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I thought the homo phone was that red one the preznit has in his office for emergencies of one kind or another.

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We were/are great straight parents by most standards and the results prove it. So I am a bit miffed at this one. Plus, living in Ca, I got a lot of snotty looks from the local lesbians who knew what I was thinking.

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I thought they were just Australians.

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...hehe, great minds think a like!!!

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...great job!!!

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Lots of moms, too, like those of us who chose unwisely and saddled our kids with lazy dads and consequently had to work ungodly hours to make ends meet. It's not a straight/gay or a dad/mom thing. It's a capitalist exploitation thing. But the guilt is still nearly unbearable.

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sure, sure lots of hetro parents, but then we have the Dylan Roof's parent types who keep feeding their kiddies on gun guns guns for mental healthishness

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or motorcycle garage, the smell of motor oil can be so homey :)

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