we got stuck ('stuck') in arles (and aix) during the great icelandic volcanic eruption of 2010.

ken layne made fun of us.

then i got fired when i got home.

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i tend to agree with you - though i liked the creepy tennis movie with the creepy henry 8th guy.

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welcome sulagna and don't pay any attention to them.

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no it was a day job - virtual office that i thought would be a great solution to juggling two careers (could live anywhere, travel to acting jobs, very nice salary, etc).

sadly, it was run by a foul bunch of former deloitte consultants who were (obv) all republicans, making millions off government related contracts. (business model: napa wines + <i>nouveau riche</i> art = corporate growth strategy.).

foul partners, foul product, foul clients. miserable experience. i was actually delighted to get laid off (the only reason i stayed was level headed mr. fuflans - who rightly assumed that i might need unemployment ins. and they were always firing somebody...).

but yeah, they did lay me off after an unintended extra week in the south of france due to a volcano in iceland. which i suppose is technically better than getting laid off after returning from lengthy medical leave. (which they also did - to two employees.).

still!! job creators!

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Yeah, I have trouble regarding this as a "win".

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(Oh, and welcome to the fold)

And god have mercy on your soul.

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It's the container from which John Boehner drinks his morning scotch.

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