Karl Malone endorsed him?

Well, Karl is actually rich enough for it to make sense to back a Reptilian. Even so...

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Most advanced along the path of devolution?

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I'm going with "the cool kids"

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Did you dare click on the Alex Jones videos from yesterday? That was a shitstorm. Painful, but worth every second somehow.

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That's cool, so long as we stay away from "Pinko" or anything pink. The Koman people can be really litigious.

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I actually went back and forth on that because I couldn't remember what gender you were. In the end I reasoned that "Callyson" probably meant something like "Cali(fornia's) Son"; I realize now that there can be other interpretations, (including //slaps forehead// a much more plainly obvious one that I totally missed) so I went with "he." At any rate I figured that my choice of pronoun had a 50:50 chance being right.

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And yet he has taken part a major scientific achievement. You? Well those shelves won't stack themselves, will they.

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It should be noted Orrin Hatch becomes President Pro Tempore when the new Congress is sworn in, following in the footsteps as such forward thinking visionaries as Ted Stevens and Strom Thurmond.

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Apropos of nothing, I see now why no one should ever click on the video links in Wonkette. (Well, the one in this article should be safe at least.) I just logged into YouTube, and it is now "recommending" I subscribe to several channels filled with racist videos. Plus one which seems to be a Ukrainian anti-Russian propaganda channel.

I'm pretty sure these are the result of me watching some of the videos linked here. I'm also pretty sure the FBI has started a file on me. I only pray they stop me before it's too late.

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Also, the SENATE passed an immigration bill on a genuinely bipartisan vote many months ago. It is the Repo House that hung that up. Orrin. You jackass.

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My grown son and I occasionally like to poke Big Brother in the testicles with a stick by texting each other and throwing in words like bomb, nuclear, AK, and so forth. Is it childish? Oh hell yes - that's why we do it. See you later, NSA guy.

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Much as with email, irony can be lost in a video clip. I'm pretty sure it was intended to be hilariously bad, but the "hilarious" part was lost on the whine-o-tariat masses.

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seriously prefer the exploitative chick shirt to that fish monstrosity.

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will he be wearing the cartoon pin up gun totin' blond shirt?

that might be worth it.

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Okay guys, Orrin Hatch is on to us so we are going to have to change up the name again. Honestly I'm still pissed off, because years ago when I suggested Libertarians none of you could make up your minds and let's just say, well, that ship has sailed.

Bill really thinks we can take back tree-huggers and make it our own, but I think that's an uphill battle that we don't want to fight and Maury's idea of going with "Progreals" is just stupid. When Marie suggested "Left-Wing Conservatives" I was skeptical but upon further thought, it might just confuse the shit out of them. Give it some thought for the next meeting.

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