In similar news, scientists at the Institute for Bush Studies found only 14% of his decisions were "fucking nightmares".

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bubonic plague is so messy. Wish for buyouts for those with 10+ years service. They will only hire one new person for each two buyouts but still, less bloody sputum.

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Other findings of the UCLA study were that nearly 75% of the words in the signs were correctly spelled, and only a small minority of the signmakers had been <i>convicted</i> of firearm or child abuse/neglect offenses within the previous 30 days.

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I feel your pain, dude. I may have an explanation. Stupid people get angry and act. They charge up their scooters, misspell their signs, find an evil pied piper to follow and let rip...sort of like forcing out a taco fart.

On the other hand, smart people think about the possible consequences of their actions, tend not to look for pied pipers, and mull the issues over a drink...and maybe another drink, and what the hell...as long as the bottle is open...

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Well, it's not <i>the</i> UCLA. It's the United Christians of Lower Alabama, a non-denominational home-schooling and think-tank organization.

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Pee points are calculated by interns at the Fox News Mathematics Institute. You're lucky you're not at -65 points.

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I trust that in the interest of scientific accuracy that the graduate student unearthed signs from the archives of anti-Bush rallies and determined whether they had racist connotations. Right?

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Raising premiums for sick children will discourage slacker children from getting sick for profit.

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Wasn't Beck telling the people not to bring signs to the rally? This makes the data source flawed. Wonkette is a mauch better resource for studying teabagger signs. After carefully crunching some numbers for several seconds I have come to the irrefutable conclusion that 127% of teabaggers are racist. True Facts from SCIENCE!

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I've got $5 that says that she'll make a "joke" like that during the debate.

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That's what I get for not reading the full article. When the intern says few signs mentioned Obama's race, she meant that few signs had the correctly spelled name "Obama" and the word "race" on them.

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Having once been a graduate student, I can attest to the truth of your statement. Graduate school is a lot like a fraternity hazing...at some point you think "This really isn't worth it but if I quit now, all my suffering up to now will have been in vain".

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Wonder how that framing attempt would go over if 25% of the average American popuation became flesh-eating zombies?

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We have it on good authority (by which I mean denialist emails from perpetrators) that those images are all in good fun and meaning nothing racist whatsoever, why are you trying to work people up over nothing, you Northern agitator, look over there ooh shiny.

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So Emily could theoretically become an endowed lap dancer?

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