For most people the Bible is like those software licensing agreements. Nobody reads the whole thing, they just click on the "I agree" box.

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Has Koch Labs verified this yet?

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And if enough Oklahoma rednecks shoot enough road signs with shotguns they eventually will write the complete works of Shakespeare in braille.

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Thanks. That would be about right. Droughts out west really got going around 1986.

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Don't be crackin' on those responsible gun owners now.

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It goes in, it goes out. YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN THAT!

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I reserve my nonsensical opinion until I hear from Dr. Rush Limbaugh.

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i feel bad for the scientists who had to live in Oklahoma though.

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That's my second pat answer to those idiots. It's just that the molecules are arranged differently now.

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Gee I'm glad the research is impressive. It will make my storing up of canned food, water and ammo so much more fun.

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Carbon dioxide molecules have a well-known liberal bias.

(And don't believe atoms: they make up everything.)

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That's because

We are stardustWe are goldenWe are billion year-old carbon.

Those fucking hippies were right!

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"Billion year old carbon." All these years I thought it was something about the "devil's bargain." The carbon makes more sense.

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You are also correct... but that is in the last verse only.

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This won't matter to climate deniers, as David Hume argued the formation of beliefs can be independent of experience (As it happens, that's the only part of the Enlightenment conservatives find useful).

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Or snow ball.

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