If they can find the pedo gene, we can send children that have it straight to the Catholic church to learn how to 'handle' their sickness.

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I'm blown away by this news.

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YOU MEAN I WAS BORN THIS WAY????!!!!!! *Monsieur Grumpe runs down the hall screaming and cursing his mother and father*

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That would be the "Novelty" part of that gene.

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So we're waiting on data from the National Latitudinal Study of Elderly Health to find out why Republicans only want to fuck everyone through wars and scams?

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This settles the old nature-vs-nurture debate. You're born a libtard; it's not a choice. Same is true for the conservobots. They are who they are -- not that there's anything wrong with that. (OK, the Bible is quite clear that there is something wrong with that. )

I know that some people are conservobots trapped in a libtard's body. Like Lieberman. We must learn not be judgmental. (OK, it's much more fun to be judgmental so let's get started!)

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You like the jib of her WHAT?

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How does this explain self-hating, diaper wearing, toilet stall tappers?

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the eagle penis looks like a pez dispenser.

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Wouldn't that involve providing the actual anus? You adventurer, you.

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I sure hope the rest of my department got around when they were young, because they're pretty staid old liberals now. Including me. DAMMIT!

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