My concern is for the children still being subjected to this!!!!!

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Wonder what QAnon thinks about this bunch of actual child molesters & human traffickers? Asking for a friend.

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Tom Cruise is on a level within Scientology that he doesn't get treated like any regular Scientologist. From what I understand he's basically one step under Miscavisage in the hierarchy of Scientology. I sincerely doubt that Tom Cruise has been told anything about Scientology because he's not spoken to directly by people within. He benefits from Scientology greatly because they backed him when he divorced Nicole Kidman and he got the kids, the only reason Katie Holmes got away the way she did (I want to see this made into a movie so bad) was because her dad is a lawyer, he put together her prenup and she learned from Cruise's divorce from Nicole to not let him see it coming. There were burner phones and an escape through the back way of a Manhattan grocery store when Tom was away making one of his Mission Impossible movies. Tom Cruise is basically the Scientology pope in waiting and he will not see any abuses because it is not of benefit to him.

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He’s not only seen the abuse, he’s participated in it.

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I know Campbell was involved somehow, but the Heinlein story is the one I heard as a wee colt.

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She's always vaguely inhuman and unsettling, much like Scarlet Johansen. It was perfect in Us where she was supposed to be like that, but usually it doesn't work.

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'I believe I am required to murder children in ritual bronze ovens to appease my God.'There is a limit to freedom of religion, it is not absolute.There is a freedom to believe, but not a freedom of action and freedom from consequences.Pretty sure if a pack of Hasids in Brooklyn started stoning lone women walking through the block that were not Hasids that there would be Assault charges regardless of the fact that Leviticus specifically calls for them to murder adulterers. Someone who continued to preach that would be arrested and charged with incitement. If they continued there would be conspiracy charges and mass arrests.'God told me to do it' is not a legal defense.Children cannot consent to contracts.Child labor laws exist.If the organisation is deeply in a conspiracy to violate those laws then there are consequences to their actions, not their beliefs.Also,Conversion Therapy is on it's way to being criminalized because of the damage it does.Freedom of belief is personal and not something you are entitled to inflict on others.

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Conservatives make a big deal about how they contribute more per-capita to charity than liberals do, but if you remove church contributions from the tally they're actually considerably less generous.

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From what I understand Tom Cruise benefits from the abuse but he might not be made aware to the extent of what's actually going on. I read Leah Remini's book and Tom Cruise get's things done by the slave workers but they can't tell him that they are abused, you can't talk to people like Cruise when you are a servant of Scientology. A regular worker can't just go to Tom Cruise and tell him they're being abused by the church. He's basically royalty in Scientology there are protocols actual written instructions on how people have to interact with Tom Cruise.

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The teenager was into them for a little bit; we went to see one of them together. (Number 5 maybe?) I didn't enjoy but, considering I've made the kid sit through Yellowbeard with me, I'll call it even.

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Well, Scientologist make you pay more to confess.

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No, he’s not. That’s a Bruce Willis. I lump those two together in my mind, though, because I know they’re flawed but I like them anyway.

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If it's done in the name of religion, they're good with it.

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Why isn't David Missedcabbage being investigated for the disappearance of his wife? Does he think we all just fell off the turnip truck and buy his excuses?

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Yeah, I don’t buy that he is unaware that the people who clean his mansion are virtual slaves for one second.

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But Scientologists, much less so in America than in Europe, are just descriminated against. It was only last year that Germany allowed basic government grants to be available without having to sign a paper declaring you weren't a member of the church. Fortunately America has stuck to our principles there

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