Counter point: brown people.

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I'd be laughing in uninhibited glee at his discomfiture and hoping it deepens to despair - but then I remember that he's still president of the U.S. and because of him Covid-19 is still raging unchecked across the nation, and people are dying, and a terrible arctic wind blows across my heart, chilling my urge to laugh.

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Yes, there is one slight problem in that no poors are to be admitted.

Donnybrook is a day late and a dollar short, and whatever he grifted from Stop The Squeal and Pay Me will be locked up tighter then Melania's bedroom door.

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I would hate to believe it. The loathing felt for Trump in Scotland increases my pride in my Scots heritage. A Gourlay on my mother's side. Also, the Taylors were a minor border family. Of course there were Taylors all over whose surname came from the garment-making profession, but I prefer to believe I descend from the border clan, even if they were a bunch of scruffy thieving thugs. They were aye still a foockin' sight better than the Trumps, laddie. Whit a boonch o' nyaffs and sumphs.

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Should call an exorcist, too.

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Or Ben Garrison.

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Vanity Fair's take on this came up in my newsfeed earlier. Not quite Wonkette levels of catty, but still meow-worthy.

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The Scottish regiments would boot him into the North Sea.

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But I fear he has become an embarrassment to his buddy vladi.

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Janey Godley is the Glaswegian comic/goddess who voices Nicola's inner thoughts: “Listen if wee Jeanette canny visit her granny in Prestwick, then Trump canny fly into it." (Among her milder statements.) https://twitter.com/JaneyGo...

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that's why the penthouse in Moscow is no longer an option

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I'd rather see him trundled off to Iran, like Eichmann when he went to Israel for trial.

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I do like Nicola Sturgeon and she's only gone up in my estimation. What, no golf courses in Russia, North Korea or Saudi Arabia? Shame.

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Scotland, to a person, hates the Squashed Orange. When this rumor hit Twitter the other night, the place went up in flames LOL I was reading comments to my spousal unit in my best Scots accent between snorts of laughter. They ranged from hilarious to well, you can't say that here. Beginning with, "Yer bum's oot the windae, we dinna want ye!"

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