"Oh, I don't know anything about the gold standard I'm afraid, but <a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=LS37SNYjg8w" target="_blank">I do love kittens</a>"

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Clearly, it takes a lot more than a binder full of women.

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No, they're worried that they won't be able to get to Toronto if the Party of Morons takes the Senate.

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There goes Scott Brown, taking women for granite again.

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Hey Scott, Mittens is going to give it another try, so if you fail here yet <i>again, </i>maybe you can run for Bernie Saunders' seat after he's inaugurated in Jan 2017.

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Some of his pro-rich white man policies might accidentally help a few rich white women, and that means he's pro-woman, obviously.

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"Well, unfortunately, I’m talking about issues that people care about. And while these women’s issues are very important, I’m an independent pro-choice Republican. I always have been." Did he really say that? HUH!! So people's issues are totally separate from women's issues? In a repuglican nutshell, women are not people? So Freudian, or maybe not ...

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oooh! oooh! I know! Mittens could pick Scott for his RUNNING MATE! It would give his career that Romney Bump that did so much for Paul "Everyone Hates Me Now, Thanks, Mitt" Ryan!

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The one thing I do like about Scott Brown is that he seems honestly stupid. He's not just mouthing talking points; he's legitimately going out there and pulling one dumb point out of his ass after another.

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Well, only those who are or will be on Social Security or Medicare, or know someone who is or was or will be.

Which pretty much excludes everyone but Mittens.

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I think some one had a Repub. party tweet that mentioned North Carolina. In the sense that NC is the same as NH but with more snow and the letters are sort of close together when you're typing fast.

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His really firm, well shaped ass, that women like.

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I mis-read the caption as "NH canidate subpar on issues" and wondered why it took the media so long to just come out and say that directly.

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