Brown, stop running in the Northeast! I-D-A-H-O!!!

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<i>endorsing his (exploratory) Senate bid</i>

And if his 'exploratory' bid doesn't work out, I understand that there are certain websites who will pay top dollar for "gay for pay" daddy types. So there's always that to fall back on. So to speak.

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And yet Richardson will endorse him and vote for him. As will many other folks who personally benefit from the ACA, but still feel it is the most terrible thing on Earth, and perhaps several other planets.

Explain to me how the GOP is not a cult again?

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Obamacare is evil and socialist! All the provisions, however, seem to be well supported, except for the bit about possibly helping the wrong kind of people. Then, of course, there's the fuss about abortion funding, which isn't in the ACA.

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I can just see Sterling Archer following him around, yelling "phrasing!" all day. Does Brown ever think how something will look later before he does it? Seems no.

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Making lists is a form of slavery. Please keep this in mind.

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<i>“Thank God for Obamacare!” his wife exclaimed.</i> How about you thank Obama instead?

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This guy is living proof that you can't fix stupid. Edit: both of these guys. I mean both of these guys.

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