Does he have a Senate pension? Because he shouldn't (I looked it up). He might have some kind of Illinois pension, and possibly Illinois counts his US Senate year(s) to increase that.

But, with less than five years of Federal service, he is not eligible for a pension under the Federal Employees Retirement System. He did contribute to FICA during his term, so there's that.

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That was a VERY long time ago - he's only fit to represent New Hampshire, sell gold or write a weekly WND column now, I'm afraid.

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Skoal Rebel?

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Hal 9000?

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Open Carry Texas?

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FWIW, this is not the case -- yet, anyhow. He hasn't served the five years (I think) needed to establish even minimal vesting, and unless he serves a total of at least 20 years, he won't start to receive his pension until he's 62.

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The company, or his campaign?

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Maybe he's supposed to think of something they could make or sell or falsely promise to the same conservative rubes who Beck and Palin regularly swindle.

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Available in a variety of attractive colors - <a href="http:\/\/www.blumberg.com\/invoice.cgi\?rm=view_cluster\;cluster_id=3287680" target="_blank">with eagles</a>!

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Can I have a million shares?

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"Very risky" would appear to be a colossal understatement, bankrupt would be nearer the truth.

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Wasn't this a movie with Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder?

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They asked the Demiguv, but she said it wasn't enough money or guns.

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Oh c'mon! Even <b>I'm</b> more qualified to be a virtual spokesperson for a company that doesn't exist than Scott Brown is.

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I guess the multiple slogans crossed off on the letterhead wasn't a tip-off.

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