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"The last time I was ever drunk was at my bachelor party and that was what? — 28 years ago, 27 years ago"

Man, that must have been a fuckload of alcohol, to impair your abilities TO THIS VERY DAY! Jesus dude, you're lucky to be alive. Probably shouldn't be driving that truck though.

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Get this man in charge of technology regulation or legislation, stat!

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@%N@B^&$%^&$ sez my butt

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anyone else disturbed by the idea that a grown man- and a former US Senator at that- needed to be shown how to use facebook? We're not talking about a petrified Senator like gramps McCain- Brown is 53, far too young to be playing the geriatric technophobe. I'd rather cop to being drunk than admit I was that inept...

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How soon can this loser follow the Tundra Twat into oblivion?

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no kidding- they're almost always a major buzz kill

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Moar photos of daughters wearing coconut bras pleeze.

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Geez, that was painful to read- dude, no one believes that horse manure...

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