Sort of OT... I had the opportunity to drive around today listening to a minor league ball game on the radio. It was nice actually...all local advertisers and not a screamer in the lot. That is until I heard about a donation program being sponsored by TD Bank North called Strike Out Cancer where they would donate $10 to SOC for each <i>strikeout</i>. Not strike...each strike out. So, by the time I left the car, TD Bank was on the hook for <b>80 whole dollars!</b>

Really TD Bank? You couldn't have given them $10 per strike? Or even $5 for each time a player adjusted his jock? You couldn't sidle up to SOC and say, "hey, here's 20 large to help find a cure for cancer, but keep it on the downlow, k?"

Hell, you still could have written it off your taxes, but noooo, you had to use this tiny sum to trumpet your name to potential customers. Ooooh, look at how generous TD Bank is! The must really "care" about <strike>cancer</strike> their bottom line.


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More of a wally thing IMO.

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Mandatory upfist for "disjointed and interstellar take on reality".

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Dunno, but I'm sure we'll hear about it soon.

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