What brain? Assumes facts not in evidence.

When my friend was studying acupuncture, one of the students asked why there's no meridian (acupuncture channel) for the brain. The teacher answered, "minor organ!" The student tried to argue about that, but the teacher shut him down: "Don't think so? Look at how many people running around without one."

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"... Chick-fil-A is a franchise of faith ..."Oh, so kind of like every fricken church in Ammer Ickah (rhymes with "Hammer Sicka"),

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My anniversary dinner was boxed Mac & Cheez plus cut up hot dog's. And we liked it.

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bananarama+sex pistols!


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A jet? Singular?

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But then, I'm a goofy Yellow Lab, so I'll eat pretty much anything.

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Trump will deny he knows Pruitt. Then a hen will crow 3 times.

It's in the Bible.https://suchanek.name/texts...

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California Frosting Association? Conventional Fascist Alliance? Cornfield Flare Assurance? Carnivorous Fire Ants? Cantaloupe Fetish Army? Cantankerous Fetid Albumen? Cancer For Aardvarks? Connecticut Fungible Array? Coriander Fundamentalist Archive? Oh, Chick Fil A. Well, that's very different. Nevermind.

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When Pruitt is finally out on his ass he and his jobless wife will probably become jet hopping evangelists.

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To be clear, this is partially in jest, and partially not, because goddamn, there's a lot of weird shit surrounding him, but fringe evidence at best. As far as I know, Pruitt hasn't actually been implicated in anything related to Russia.

But Christopher Steele accused Russia of having a hand in Cabinet picks, including Secretary of State, when they lobbied for Trump to appoint someone more likely to ease sanctions than Mitt Romney. So we know they're trying (and, sometimes, succeeding) to influence who gets appointed to what in the American government.

Now, the woman he was renting that underpriced brownstone from, Vicki Hart, is the wife of J. Steven Hart, who is serving as outside legal counsel to the NRA in the matter of the Russia probe, and he's made at least one public statement downplaying the involvement of Alexander Toshin, the deputy governor of Russia’s central bank, and a frequent flyer at the National Prayer Breakfast known for his close ties to both the NRA and Putin. The FBI is investigating whether Toshin illegally funneled money through the NRA to help elect Trump, and Hart claimed that he was just paying membership dues.

And, I suppose, a little bit of it is that it's kind of hard to imagine the oil industry inspiring that kind of paranoia. They're not really known for poisoning the tea of their opponents. Scott Pruitt has a round-the-clock security team of 20 people, he doesn't go anywhere unaccompanied, and he's driving around in a Chevy Tahoe with bullet proof seats. You don't see opponents of the oil industry going to such lengths to protect themselves.

It gives me a weird feeling. All of it does.

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Amo carbonem, amas carbonem, amat carbonem, amamus carbonem, amatis carbonem, amant carbonem.

Can I now get a 52% raise, and/or Chocolate Freedom?

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Is that a job killing, Obama era cake?

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Screw it, PruittIt’s Chocolate Freedumb for him

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You have interesting ideas and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

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Absolutely right about that.

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Pruitt's theme song: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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