Keeping up with the anti-abortion laws coming out of the state legislatures these days is a little like playing a demented game of Whack-A-Mole: no sooner does one pop up over here for you to club over the head than another one pops up over there, and you try to club that one too, and then another one pops up somewhere else, and now you are swinging your stupid little toy club like Thor on a meth binge and not getting anywhere.
I got 39 from <a href="http:\/\/\/abortion_facts\/us_abortion_statistics\/" target="_blank">here</a>. It&#039;s an anti-abortion site, but they cite CDC. In 1972 the (estimated?) number of abortions was 500,000. The rate of fatalities was about one in 10,000.
My original point was that anti-abortion (forced birth) advocates add these \"admitting privileges\" requirements as a backdoor way to shutdown abortion providers. I don&#039;t want women to die, but almost everything else in America -- guns, cars, food poisoning, alcohol, cigarettes, stairways, childbirth (childbirth for fuck&#039;s sake!) -- kill more women but I don&#039;t hear any of these \"pro-lifers\" demanding regulations to save them.<br /><br /><br />The maternal fatality rate from childbirth is 15 per 100K births. The fatality rate from abortion is one per 100K procedures. (The pro-lifers would say it&#039;s 100% if you count the fetuses.) By the \"save women&#039;s lives\" rationale, they should be banning childbirth.
The Rethugs really are trying to make things better -- for Goldman Sachs, who are standing by, waiting to buy the property just as soon as the home&quot;owner&quot; can be kicked to the curb.
<i>&quot;Admitting privileges at a hospital in case something goes wrong.&quot;</i>
So, is the usual procedure at hospitals <u>not</u> to admit a woman if something goes wrong? Because if that&#039;s not the case, WTF???
And a special Saturday night.
Yes. ACLU is filing lawsuits. Send them some dollars.
And of course IRS tax-exempt status at the same time.
I love you both.
So...what happens to a Wisconsin pregnant lady if she goes across state lines to a state that doesn&#039;t ultrasound bullshit?
In 1972, it was 39 deaths following illegal abortions. (Plus 24 from legal abortions.)<br /><br />Sent from my iPad
I got 39 from <a href="http:\/\/\/abortion_facts\/us_abortion_statistics\/" target="_blank">here</a>. It&#039;s an anti-abortion site, but they cite CDC. In 1972 the (estimated?) number of abortions was 500,000. The rate of fatalities was about one in 10,000.
After Roe v Wade, the number of abortions went way up, peaking in 1981 then declining ever since. In 2008 it was 1.2 million. So the fatality rate was about one in 100,000. <a href="http:\/\/\/policy\/abortion\/graphusabrate.html" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">http://www.johnstonsarchive...
My original point was that anti-abortion (forced birth) advocates add these \"admitting privileges\" requirements as a backdoor way to shutdown abortion providers. I don&#039;t want women to die, but almost everything else in America -- guns, cars, food poisoning, alcohol, cigarettes, stairways, childbirth (childbirth for fuck&#039;s sake!) -- kill more women but I don&#039;t hear any of these \"pro-lifers\" demanding regulations to save them.<br /><br /><br />The maternal fatality rate from childbirth is 15 per 100K births. The fatality rate from abortion is one per 100K procedures. (The pro-lifers would say it&#039;s 100% if you count the fetuses.) By the \"save women&#039;s lives\" rationale, they should be banning childbirth.
He has a hotline to Rick Perry.
I see what you did there. Nice.
I was gonna go with<a href="https:\/\/\/watch\?v=mGj1smf-_vc" target="_blank"> this. </a>
Left on the porch and set afire.
Just another roadblock - the fucktardlicans will be fine with it, even if they weren&#039;t smart enough to anticipate it.
The clinics should just send the bills to Scott Walker, since he&#039;s the asshole who ordered the procedure.
The Rethugs really are trying to make things better -- for Goldman Sachs, who are standing by, waiting to buy the property just as soon as the home&quot;owner&quot; can be kicked to the curb.
<i>&quot;Admitting privileges at a hospital in case something goes wrong.&quot;</i>
So, is the usual procedure at hospitals <u>not</u> to admit a woman if something goes wrong? Because if that&#039;s not the case, WTF???