He sure made us notice he's an asshole

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That autoplaying embed with no volume control is seriously obnoxious.

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Thanks, much better. I was at least lucky enough to have Chrissie Hynde singing over him loud enough to be only just aware that something didn't sound quite right.

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You know all the garbage Republicans like to spew about black people voting Democratic? It's true about white people voting Republican. The morons voted for Republicans <em>while voting for minimum wage increases</em>. Ernst's entire campaign consisted of the message "don't pay any damned attention to the bugfuck crazy shit I've sponsored my entire career, just look at my pretty face and listen to my awe shucks voice! I'm likeable!"

The ignorati are taking their country back, FSM save us all.

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Every so often the previous Republican presidential field is so bad they start over with a new crop of candidates and forget the last runner up ever happened...which his how we ended up with Dubya as the nominee in 2000 instead of Pat Buchanan.

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white vans from WI are ALWAYS the most dangerous to chicago bikers.

this is a true fact.

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It worked out well for *them* anyways.

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