Walker reminds me of Major Frank Burns. He's just as weasaly and none too bright.

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Everything you just said is...wait...OHHHHHHHH....

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Were expectations of Scott Walker too high? Yes. He was expected to be lucid, knowledgeable, and human enough to relate to. He couldn't manage any of those. He's a dud.

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What do you mean, "we"?

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To me, that would demonstrate just the opposite: a need to make sure they are still there.

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Are the Koch brothers doing an "Oy fucking Vey" yet?

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"It’s that he simply does not choose to answer questions that have no bearing on his immediate reality"

Then why does he want to defund Planned Parenthood? Why will he answer questions about that?

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Not really. If the Russians want to get entangled in a Middle East civil conflict they'll fare no better than we did in Iraq. Let them waste their money, and soldiers lives, if that's what they want to do.

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Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq...it took us 40 years to learn to be very careful where we stick our noses.

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Hell, the things you *still* hear after a few beers about anyone not them make me cringe now. Especially when you know that they'll be sober later and look for all the world like reasonable people, in spite of what they feel safe expressing when they think they are among "their own".

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The good people of Wisconsin can keep him. How he thinks he can run for the most powerful position in the world and yet not answer questions about how he would handle real world problems is beyond me.

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Because he knows that 40% of America will just pull the lever for whoever has (R) after their name, regardless of what they say or do.

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Clearly Al Gore's fault.

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or Rumsfelds 'unknown unknowns'

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Two weeks ago at a bar in a... shall we say "low rent" area up here in The Great White North I had two drunk dudes talking about "the coons" at the table next to mine.

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I have an answer for you, a lot of Americans are politically ignorant. They really don't know their ass from their elbow, that's why we had Bush as president for 8 disastrous years. Never underestimate the derp of the voting masses.

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