RWAC's actually believe that Iran is keeping all the jooze from moving to Israel which is what they want so that all the jooze can die in the End Times and Jeezubus will come back. Not kidding.

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Actually, the USMC was tasked with doing the analysis of that incident and determined that Iran, not Iraq, gassed the Kurds.

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The Iranians had the plane carrying the hostages taxi into position and hold on the runway. The plane sat there until Reagan was done with his oath. Then the plane started it's take off run.

A little FU from the Iranians.

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The term "weasel" accurately describes that putz.

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Bonzo was the chimp and Reagan was the other chimp.

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St. Ronnie hisself ordered that the Marines guarding the Marines no be issued bullets for their guns...so when the suicide bomber drove through the gate the guards had no way to shoot at him. Brilliant Field Marshalling there, Gip!

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The enemy of my enemy is also an a*hole. :)

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Iran was in control of the city.

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Truly that was a thing of beauty.

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Dan Quayle = "impeachment insurance"

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I think we need a president who short changes, and chisels out on contracts. Teachers and Clerks and others who work everyday to make society work are the real thugs. When he stares down Putin it will be just like throwing a retired teacher out of the visitors gallery.

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Yes. Iran is pushing into Iraq and they decide to gas their own soldiers and the civilians. Good plan. Or, does a desperate dictator gas both the Iranians and the rebellious city?

Geez, good thing we did an investigation... ;)

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You should study.

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The facts don't start and end with the US military's account of world history. I've done plenty of studying, thank you very much. Maybe you should study more than one source before you start writing.

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You REALLY should study.

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- Bonzo

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