Scott Walker is a fanatic and an extremist, owned by big money and a die-hard practitioner of the Reaganism/Hooverism that has economically decimated the American middle class over the last 35 yrs.

Having to face a recall election in Wisconsin was the best thing that ever happened to Walker politically. To survive politically in the state, Walker substantially toned down his rhetoric and somewhat toned down his policies, which in effect: 1.) masked the nature of his mentality, beliefs, values & viewpoints, and 2.) somewhat insulated him, at least temporarily, from being compared to the other kooks, crazies and clowns in the GOP.

Scott Walker's recent pronouncements on union busting, or as Walker calls it..."foreign policy", place him at the front and center of the current GOP clown parade. Busting all those grammarians, librarians, Latin teachers and band directors prevented them from lighting a fire under those kids. Take that ISIS; you're next !

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Agreed, thief, there needs to be a clearer ranking system. We're on it.

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I hope we're not somehow making fun of SpongeBob SquarePants. I mean, there are limits to satire, ya know.

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And at the time I thought there could never ever be a dumb shit move like that again.Was I wrong! that's the norm for to days Republicans.And all thanks to the Orangeman, John Boehner, Americans drunk.

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So he's planning on pissing on other countries' territories?

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Another idjit that mistakes bluster for leadership - doesn't exactly set him apart from the rest of the field.

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So it is a Science Fact that the more stupid you are, the more likely to be a Republican in Congress.

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Oh and I was so hoping for a translation of Sister Peggy Of Our Lady Of The Everlasting Fountain of Everclear's drunksplaining in the WSJ of how The Lord Ronnie's ass-fucking the PATCO union was done only to scare the Soviets that Ronnie would ass-rape them next.

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The Russians clearly gave up because of the strike breaking actions. It only took 8+ years. Definitely not a bloody, expensive, and unpopular war in Afghanistan plus decades of mismanagement and atrophy of leadership. Nah, it was Reagan firing strikers, unlike Kennedy nearly going nuclear, which Russia didn't even notice. But seriously, what is is position on King Ottokar?

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And absolutely not because Gorbachev, being an intelligent man, saw the writing on the way and started opening Russia up.

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So maybe he'll hire Pinkerton's to take care of ISIS?

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I think he'd have a much better chance of bankrupting ISIS by giving all its leaders massive tax breaks. Why does Scott Walker hate America?

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Next up, Carly Fiorina maintains that what she did to Hewlett-Packard, she can do to North Korea.

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I totally get what Walker is saying. Last year, in order to keep my neighbor's cat from pooping in my garden, I withheld my son's allowance. My neighbor got the message.

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Or, in this case, the governor of a state where people willingly put styrofoam hats made to look like cheese wedges on their heads.

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President Walker is about as likely as President Blobfish.

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