sad as it is to agree with you, i must. the US is kinda the epitome of "there can never be enough".

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buried it? heh heh, like in "hide the sausage"?

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It's not gay if you are not the owner of the recipient's hole (ask that preacher dude, I forgot his name and am too lazy to look it up.)

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Excuse me. Nutria.

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Or your firstborn child.

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Exactly! That's just the sort of gosh-golly [cynical] thinking that the nation needs more of.

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A presidential candidate who uses "lame" when describing an opponent? This is the best that the Kochs can come up with? Jesus.

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The snowbilly grafter really lowered the bar.

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Oh, come on! Just as a hostage!

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The snowbilly grafter really lowered buried the bar.


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A GOP conversation is a monologue.

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Wait, are you talking about his hair or his policies? Cuz his policies have lots and lots of lowlights.

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The only part he's saving is the Koch Bros. fortunes.

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Republican economic plan:

1) Cut taxes for the wealthy and roll back regulations.

2) ?????

3) Profit!

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If Gawd wanted the poors to have moneys, then He woulda borned 'em rich.

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Tie the "maximum wage" to the minimum wage and watch how fast the minimum goes up.

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