Poor Scotty doesn't realize what Trump figured out (or just instinctively knew): teabaggers are dumb, and you just have to promise that you'll solve all the problems, no worries, with secret plans that you can't disclose. So long as you promise vague laws and regulations and enforcement and action with cops and marines and guns and drones and bombs, that sounds like it will shit on minorities, ill eagles, and muslins, you're golden.

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Hey, Canadians have more dignity that this POS. For the record.

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We are in complete agreement regarding this POS.

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Didn't, Ah say, did NOT see that comin'!

- Foghorn Leghorn

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Don't come Up Here yet. We have our own stupid to endure for the next couple of months.

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True dat. /s/ former Madtown Gooner.

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He doesn't want to answer questions because he never intended to answer any questions - his handlers promised him that his coronation was just a formality.

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As long as it works through November 2016 he'll be happy.

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Safire did have his moments, although I always thought "pusillanimous pussyfooters" was better.

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"it's always bloody quantum."- Pterry

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So that's who is stealing all those 420 signs

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Nah, I'm sure he would give you his entire 2 1/2 inches.

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Nice article, but it implies too much brainz for Walker.

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A couple of months. That's how long the election run-up is in the Great White North. And our Canadian friends are bitching it's too long. I'll tell you what's scary, though. They are developing a right wing up there that sounds at times like a cut-and-paste version of our own. There goes the myth of Canadians being nice to a fault...among other things.

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I think, "How could this lug be chairman of the Milwaukee County Board of Commissioners?"

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