And this is why, even though the forgiving actions of the Charleston families probably saved a lot of lives, I hated seeing them do it. Respected them, but cringed.

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"maybe it’s time for black folks to actually demand something in return for all their 'forgiveness.'”

Or maybe just don't forgive people like Dylan Roof who obviously could give a beep about your forgiveness. That would work too. P.S. Racists don't need forgiveness. They need to be shunned from polite society.

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Clearly that's because African American blacks are far worse than African African blacks, right?

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I grabbed a similar derptastic shot of Walker from the debates--mine is even derpier.

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Seven years after he left office, and I still grit my teeth at the mere mention of his name. He did one smart thing in his entire life, and that was drop out of public after his failed presidency.

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Actually, he's bass-ackward. (or he is wearing his shirt inside out)

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my money's still on rubio. but i hear ya.

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Ugh that reminds me of weird racist bullshit I run into on European forums - there's all this baffling stuff about 'Muslims burning cars,' and I'm like... They don't do that in the US, bro. Sure that's a Muslim thing and not a Euro thing?

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The Game (and how to lose it)?

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Depends on which military "expert" you consult, but in terms of pure air-to-air combat, not so much. Most of them now are basically used for rapid air-ground bombings, recon, etc. Thats part of the excuse Lockheed and its toadies are giving for the F-35 getting its ass handed to it in simulated dogfights with older planes, its superior stealth and distance striking capability SHOULD theoretically allow it to destroy most enemy aircraft before the enemy even knows its there.

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tl;dr version: "You see, racism is kind of like a cancer, a cancer contracted by someone else. It's uncomfortable to talk about with them, and it's not affecting you or your family, so the best course is to ignore it and eventually the problem solves itself."

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I know what you mean, at some point, some righteous vengeance is probably ok every now and then.

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The other day, I was at the weekly meeting of The Blacks, and we all said how we love Trump.

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I could talk about this for actual hours! It's the total what-if I have to fight a ninja scenario. You don't want to be the general who said we would never have to fight ninjas, so we didn't plan on defending against throwing stars.You basically need enough badass fighters that your opponent never launches theirs, and you hope you never fight the other guys with badass fighters (which you maybe sold to them). In the meantime, you have got the whole Northeast Africa/MiddleEast/A bit of Asia as your bombing range. What I'm saying is buy Lockheed stock, son.

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What kinda meal are we talking here? Is there a chance of shagging?

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When I take over a second-tier dictatorship, I am totally buying all the surplus F-4s and F-16s I can get. And lots of next-gen Russian air-defense missiles. Come at me bro!

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