I've never had haggis, but that other stuff sounds pretty rad!

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It isn't a lie. It is just a matter of definitions. To Republicans, "good faith" means "that which increases our power out of proportion". Because they have faith that they are the only ones who deserve power.

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I thought Hillary murdered Scalia. Did I get that wrong? It's so confusing, I can't keep up.

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And when the negative consequences befall those who do not vote, they have our express permission to STFU for the next 2-4 yrs (or permanently - RIP Dad).

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This. Add in that younger people, at least here, vote all the time for tv show evictions, game shows and so on but those votes have no consequence and there will be a chance to fix it next week. Or they will have forgotten about it by next week, one of the two. All votes are equally important, Brexit, council elections or keeping Mindy on Love Island, and only the last is easy to do because you can use your mobile.

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The Justice is near!

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Once we get out of the UK and back into the EU all y’all are welcome here. We have socialism. And cookies. And haggis. And bagpipes. But the last two aren’t compulsory.

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You know what else sounds Italian? Antonin Scalia, and Obama murdered him. In Texas. Just sayin’.

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At least he’s not on crack though?

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If you win the popular vote you don’t need to gerrymander, you just fix it so it is fair. And then you set up a neutral commission to keep it fair. I have lost track of how often I think “Why is that a political appointment?”.

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This should mean that statewide elections could go to democrats. I am also in one of those pinwheel districts. A sliver of East Dallas and a whole lot of land the surrounds Tyler, TX which is so fucking conservative there is apparently no gay bars there or gay community at all.

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At least six. That is scary.

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"Five conservative justices"? They're five REPUBLICAN justices, carrying water for their political party.

Third branch of government? Bulwark of rights? My ass. SCOTUS became a political hack house with Bush v. Gore, and it's been one ever since.

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Not as big or scary as a Dunkelosteus (my new fave prehistoric creature)

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