Let's do this.

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we're past "cruelty is the point"; we're at "death is the point".


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Sometimes I'm almost glad that the human race is self immolating.

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The smart thing for someone like Drumpf would be to acknowledge the divisions among Latins and turn it into a "divide and conquer" strategy: Tell the Salvadorenos they're better than Hondurans, tell the Mexicans they're better than Central Americans, tell the northern Mexicans they're better than southern Mexicans, etc. But that would require, at a minimum, knowing the names of more than one Latin American region.

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One wonders what he'd think of the inside of a prison cell.

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The thing is, he hasn't done it yet. Why not?

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The boy had no control

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The cruelty is the entire point. I don't want to be American anymore.

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Can we start a whisper campaign that Steven Miller is really the power behind the presidency? That seemed to help get Bannon out.

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So basically Canadians and Mexicans are welcome, kind of, sort of, not really, and the entire rest of the world can fuck off and die.Unless they get a waiver to work at a Trumph emolumizing property, that is.

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Mexico needs to set up asylum processing centers at our southern border. Nothing fancy. Three walls and a roof (the fourth will be open to admit applicants). Certainly a chair for the asylum officer. Every asylum seeker will be directed to these centers, where the asylum officer will deny their request for asylum in Mexico, complete with a very official form signed and sealed by a very official official.

After that, it's the quick jaunt to the U. S. border to apply for asylum with their legal evidence of denial from Mexico.

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Isn't that basically what we did?

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Consider the sheer fuckery that President Obama had to deal with from right-wing media on the daily.

A female POTUS making statements like this would be castigated. Obama would have been denigrated as an "angry black man" if he showed even a fraction of the reactions that cheeto benito displays (which is probably why the Key & Peele "Luther the Anger Translator" sketches were so fantastic).

ThinSkin McTinyHands up here can't even process criticism of an actual mistake. It's pathetic. I never want to hear a complaint about the "temperament" of a Democrat ever again.

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In the words of The Good Place itself (twice (in two different seasons because the joke remained tragically appropo))

"What kind of messed up place would turn away refugees?"

And when they've got JASON saying it, you know it's meant to cut deep.

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So, we had the Eye of the Tigar and ended up with this Horse-Shit instead?

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She has big tits. Don wanted her for a while. Notice the pattern?

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