"All persons within the jurisdiction of this state are free and equal, and no matter what their sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, or sexual orientation are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, or services in all business establishments of every kind whatsoever." From California's Unruh Act...that applies to ALL businesses.

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Right there in Article 1, Section 8, "to grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, prevent Ladies from acquiring Whore Pills, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water"

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Any numbnuts pharmacy that would try that might run into a problem. Once normally intelligent people find out that said supposed pharmacy isn't stocking certain medications because stupid religion, they may wonder what else might not be in stock, spread the word to their friends on social media and suddenly people are taking their business elsewhere. If it's one of those that's the only one for miles around, then banhammerable thoughts about that pharmacy occur.

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Like Generalissimo Francisco Franco, he is still dead.

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Oh, dear. There are just so many idiot religious objections for filling prescriptions for this condition.

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Now it makes sense. Well fuck that shit! You don't have to live in the city to know it sucks there and that Republicans are the reason why!

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Those fundies think they're clever. Rather than just come out and say they want to impose a theocracy, they try to trick us into thinking the Constitution says they already have one. Religious freedom doesn't mean you can impose your religious beliefs on others. They're really just being dishonest. For religious people, they don't seem to have much concern for their own souls.

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The owner has personal religious rights to practice in his own, and only his own, personal life. But the business operates under licence from, and subject to, the laws of the state, and has no religion to itself. Otherwise, the owner could discriminate against African Americans because religion (which was argued as a reason for segregation and antimysegenation laws), Muslims because religion, etc.

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Totally. And maybe doctors should only treat certain conditions. I wouldn't want my delicate family doctor dealing with a stinky dick. Surely she only got into medicine to do the lord's healing. State pharmaceutical regulations? Fuck'em, ah know mah rights! Hey, when I pick up my penicillin and the pharmacist pulls a squinty eye and suspiciously asks what my condition is, I'll know for sure that the invisible hand of the free market is up my ass, where it belongs!

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To quote a doctor colleague: "You're here to treat the patient! Not yourself, not the nurse, not the family, THE PATIENT!"

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Wait, I'm starting to see a pattern... need labor, import labor, don't want to support labor with moneys or foods or stuffs... pine for "good old days"... want to "make America great again"... didn't we already do this? Is this what everything is about, that half this country misses slavery??? OMFG.

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still not a fair trade for Prince, Bowie, Rickman and Ralph Stanley but this last week has made 2016 a little easier to bear.

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I did not know that. thx for the info. I always wondered about heart valve transplants using piggy parts and how that works with piggy adverse religions.

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Don't forget those heathens who think god is anything other than an old white dude in the sky who murdered his kid because we are bad so that were not bad anymore. Fuck THOSE people too!

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I am literally neither shocked nor surprised to learn this fact.

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