sigh: knightwashing patriarchy.

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My first impression of you was very wrong. Eat a pickle.

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It also adds on costs for the woman, making it harder for poorer women to access.

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So if I'm understanding, you are saying that not only is chivalry dead but its also some nefarious plot that I am a part of to denigrate women and abuse them passively in order to cover up my 'true' intentions?

Fudge, I thought I was just being nice and fulfilling societal norms. This means that my father besides myself and my children and grandchildren are also in on the scheme.That's a helluva plan I must say because none of us realize that we even are.

You have these things to rely on and whatever else but I want to be absolutely clear. None of that applies to me or my family and I'll be damned if we are going to be PCed out of being polite and courteous. This day will never come.

And I will repeat this, I've never had a woman or man say to me, I can open my own doors or in any way show anger because I did. In fact, its the dead opposite.So at best, two sides of this deal exist at once.

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There is a difference between chivalry and politeness. Chivalry is benevolent sexism. You want to be polite and courteous? No one is saying not to. But when you treat women differently than men, it's sexism. And it has a negative effect. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go...

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I know, its having a very negative effect on me. I can't disagree much more than I already have, so there we are.This is a generational thing. If the new chivalry comes with disclaimers and rules, then chivalry is dead because it comes from the heart and good upbringing. By the time anyone would stop and ponder the what ifs, the moment has passed.

I know IRL exactly no one that believes what you all are throwing at me, never heard of it before yesterday and think its a great way to cause more harm than to do good. That's my true thoughts on the matter. Which side that gets me labeled on to, is just how the chips fall.

I'm bad for doing good is the craziest flipping thing I've ever heard.

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:facepalm: You are trying to be inherently obtuse so that you don't have to feel uncomfortable and do any actual changes to your behavior.

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facepalm back: You'll have to explain 'inherently obtuse' to me because its a contradiction in terms, makes no effing sense and sort of shows that you are working waaaaay too hard at this off topic subject of yours.

I get passive aggressiveness, I really do. If you think I'm too stupid to understand because that explains it all, then you're being a jerk and rude and lots of bad shit.I also understand someone that wants their way and expects others to fall in line, like I said, that dog won't hunt. And again, you've veered into passive aggressive rudeness/jerksville.

I won't do what you want because as I have over abundantly explained, I don't believe in it at all, think it is you that is wrong and I'm not just caving in to suit you.

This is my last word and I'm just repeating myself because you are either ignoring my side of the argument or are yourself incapable of digesting the thought.

I am gracious/courteous/kind/chivalrous, call it what you want but don't misconstrue the meaning k. I am these things because its built into me #1. I believe in it #2. I want to be treated as I treat others #3. Chivalry is real in my life #4.

I get that it twists you up but I'm not you and I'm not a woman. Maybe you see no difference in the genders but its as clear as crystal to me. My ways have zero to do with you, I...don't...know...you. I will keep doing what I do regardless of your issues, so maybe you work on that. In my mind, you create the problem then complain about the problem for some reason?

I'm done right here and can live with agreeing to disagree. Its that or a full on battle and then wind up in the same place.

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Making a white dude write paragraphs about how he gets to be sexist because it's polite and it's women's faults, anyway, for being weak and fragile. 'Kay.

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Blow me, kay.

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I don't put small things in my mouth.

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I can and do sympathize. My husband is on his second round of Rituxin.

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I'm so sorry that happened to you. The ultrasound I referred to was a missed miscarriage that was alive at the 5 week one and not at 10. I didn't miscarry until week 12 ( not something I would ever decide to wait for again), so I don't know how far along the embryo ever got. It was very wanted and the experience almost destroyed me.

I actually don't know when the first ultrasound would be under normal circumstances. With my son I had it at week 9 or 10 because of bleeding (which I didn't have until week 12 with the miscarriage, go figure). I was thinking in general, they're not done before week 8. So if a woman wants an abortion before or around then, it seems medically unnecessary to do an ultrasound. Especially if it's through medicine and not even surgical.

But being invasive and controlling is the point of these horrible laws. My miscarriage made me much more pro-choice, because no one needs to get involved in a woman's pregnancy unless she consents. I'm any way shape or form.

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I got in today and filled out the forms. I was told there is a backlog and that there is no temporary help in the meantime.The backlog means maybe months and that means I could go without the meds for 4 months, already near two, and maybe more. That most likely isn't good.

I have made it 9 years as of last month. I've been on my death bed quite a few times since, I don't keep track on purpose. I have always made it and I used up quite a few cat lives on other things, such as shot by 30.6, and I keep on ticking.Mebbe this mommy/recipe/cat blog is my medicine : )

Anywhaze, life is good, just vacayed with my kids and g-kids and I'm happy truthfully.

I wish you and your husband the best of luck and happy times and thanks again.

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I’m so sorry for your loss. The “missed” miscarriage part is such a mind-fuck, too. It made me feel out of place in my own body.

I was already very much pro-choice but also felt my miscarriage made me even more stridently so. It could partly be that rage is a pretty good distraction from grief, but it happened right around the same time Georgia was passing its horrible anti-abortion law earlier this year and it really struck me that I didn’t feel any less implicated in the rhetoric because I’d lost a wanted pregnancy versus terminating an unwanted one, especially once I got the bill for the procedure and realized my insurance company gets to have an opinion about how I was supposed to miscarry. It all just blurred into one giant morass of “oh, everybody and their dog apparently gets to have an opinion about what happens inside my body now.”

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