But 45 will (hopefully real soon!) fuck off to Florida, pay a yuuge divorce settlement, and spend the rest of his short life complaining. Titular (teehee) head of the GOP?? I don't think so. After he's out of the picture, the party and Trump will have no further use for each other, IMO. And yet, he did so much damage to the court.

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"Why would Republican Senators aid and abet a corrupt Republican president? That party doesn't even exist yet!"

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Nice. Thanks!

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Exactly - and one of the same things happened in 2016 that happened in 2000.In 2000, purity ponies voted for Ralph Nader all over. In Florida, if only ⅓ of those who voted in FL for Nader had instead voted for Gore, the margin of votes would be such that Gore would've easily beaten Bush with no chance of any recount, and therefore the presidency.And perhaps Gore would've read the Presidential Daily Brief that Bush ignored that stated that bin Laden was going to attack the US, and maybe 9/11 wouldn't've happened.

In 2016, purity ponies that voted for Russian plant Jill Stein tallied up votes in 5 states, where if in only one of those states they had voted for Clinton instead, she would've won the electoral college, and we would probably not have as many as 277,000 (and counting) dead people in this country cause of COVID-19.

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Brava Sarah!

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Is Thomas now the oldest one on the court?

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In NJ we can start counting tomorrow, 10/24; Murphy signed that into law in August. From what I've read they've received 2.16 million ballots so far (55% of the 2016 election total), They will start reporting on 11/3. November 10 is the last date a mail in can be counted.

Each county differs- I've seen different mailers based on county. My county notified us by mail in early September that our primary ballots were accepted. I've talked to people from different, nearby counties and their county didn't send a notification. I mailed mine from the county I work in and I set up to be able to track it and my county had it marked as received the next day.

ETA: I missed the word "swing" when I initially read your post.

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Jaimie, these are all great reasons to expand the number of Justices and do it quickly. The 4-4 result is pretty scary when you realiz that even on those occasions where Roberts joins the liberal Justices, they would still be outgunned 5-4. In most cases, it's just going to be a 6-3 Court and feel like it. It will feel bad. We can change this if we have the power to do so.

What is getting less attention is the destruction Trump has wrought in the Courts of Appeals. This will be a tougher nut to crack, but again the first solution is to create additional judgeships (which are needed anyway) and fill those seats.

The Courts of Appeals may need a commission, but I don't think there is any need for studies or debates about this subject. We are currently, to use the legal term, fucked and we need to get unfucked fast.

If we want to succeed in getting potentially a lot of good things done onthe Pandemic, climate, health, women's rights and LGBTQ rights, we expand the court. If we want to overturn Citizens United, protect the ACA and avoid more years of 5-4 hell over Roe v Wade, we expand the Court. If we want to fail at these things because of Donald Trump's stolen nominations, we'll temporize or do nothing.

The WH, the House and the Senate are not enough. Liberals and progressives must be in the majority on the Supreme Court or have a constant rear guard action by the Court.

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Good info, thank you!

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Ballotpedia is your friend.Florida is counting votes as they come in.Georgia processes votes as they come in, and can begin counting them 7: AM election dayN Carolina they can't start processing the votes before Nov 2, and can't start counting until 5 PM on election day.Ohio says it can't count the vote before election day. It can feed the votes into a scanner, but as long as it doesn't get the totals, the vote isn't considered to have been counted. Maine starts counting absentees at 8 PM on election day.You didn't mention New Hampshire, but it also doesn't begin counting til 8 PM on election day.You are worried about Pennsylvania, as am I. They start counting 7 AM on election day.At 7 PM mythical mountain time, Arizona can start counting ballots 14 days before election day.And Texas which almost certainly will go Trump, but could still give us an idea which way the wind is blowing, processes the ballots as they arrive and starts counting them at 7 AM, or if the county is over 100,000, 3 days before election day (the law says end of the period for early voting by personal opinion, which is 4 days before the election.)BTW, Florida, Georgia, Texas, and Arizona the polls close at 7 PM local time.Ohio 7:30, Maine and Pennsylvania 8 PM, New Hampshire varies but not before 7 PM.Now you know more than you want about absentee and early vote counting.

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I'd reverse 1 and 2. But both are necessary.

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Its the color of our city flag.

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Yes. After we make sure they are in no positions to do any ratfucking.Until then we are vulnerable.

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I'm pretty sure it's Breyer.

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I figure you need to pack the SC first, so they won't just strike down the new laws.

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Not I. I voted in 2016 and 2018. I haven't voted for a third party candidate for president since Obama first ran. I realized then that it was too important to keep the Republican candidate out of the White House.

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