The fuckers are daring us to stack the court. Doooo eeeet. Dismantle DHS while we're at it, that shit's a disastrous boondoggle.

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Agreed, I fuckin knew it too in 2016 which is why I put on the biggest smile to walk my ass to my Brooklyn voting place and cast my ballot for Hillary (actually the smile was because voting for a woman President was so satisfying) which is why RBG's death hit like a bomb.

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I am confused again. America has 94 district courts, 12 circuit courts, and 1 federal circuit court (13 circuit courts in total, right?). We have 9 supreme court justices on the SCOTUS. Is there supposed to be a relationship between the number of SCOTUS judges (9) and the number of circuit courts (13)? Like a 1-to-1 relationship? Or am I horribly confused, and there is no precedent or law or Constitutional rule about any of this? And if Biden were to want to add judges or more circuit courts, it is the Legislative Branch who gets to make it so, right?

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precedent: noun: whatever a majority of SCOTUS says it is on any given dayI wish I were being glib, but that's been the operative definition since at least Kavanaugh was installed.

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The various art III federal courts are empowered by Congress. Yes. That's a Constitutional thing. If the votes were there, Pelosi and Schumer could assign 3 more seats to SCOTUS in a week. I'm not sure Biden is on board and it'd be more than Mansima against it in the Senate.

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It's getting closer and closer each day to the time when any "extreme court" ruling is met with a loud and resounding "just fuck off and die" from the public at large. Thanks John Roberts.

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time for Biden to use EO and international laws to say fuck you to the SC

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SCOTUS is now an irrational institution and should be mocked as such. I can get the same result for every decision by gathering 3 Bevises and 6 Butt-Heads and asking them what they think.

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This seems to me every bit as warlike and destructive as the bombardment at Sumter. When you consider that the Risen South is contorting the law for use as proxy ammunition in this currently cold civil war, the idea doesn't finish as ludicrously as it begins. I wonder how the inhabitants of Sumter will respond this time.

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Is there any consitutional block to preventing the reapportionment of the Supremes at the same time we reapportion Congress? This extreme right court hangs about as naturally off the current American zeitgeist as a bulge in the sidewall of a new set of Michelins. If the law won't let you recall them, the least we can do is have them balanced.

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The court has already been packed. Time to unpack it.

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Don't give up hope yet. There is a very good chance the Mexican administration will just refuse to allow migrants to be dumped back across the border by the US.

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Not. One. Fucking. WORD. About. This. On. CNN.com. Main. Page.

Why, it's almost like the far right and the 'DoNtbLackMaiLmE' left are having the times of their lives.

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A reminder that Nina Turner, who just lost said talk of the courts was blackmail in 2016 was endorsed by Bernie/AOC and others in the Bernie wing.Not a good look.

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