They can't even run a horserace that isn't fucked up.

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Wethinks the (D)s are overthinking this comity thing. You don't bring a beanbag to a knife fight.

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A great start might be the fines/imprisonment that accompany any other citizen's ignoring a subpoena. Keep it simple, but for Chrissakes, do it! The concept of 'inherent contempt', as we've read it, will bypass Barr/ DOJ.

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I will travel across the country to piss on McTurtle's grave. Even if I have to go to Kentucky. I'll stay only in minority owned bed and breakfasts. I'm guessing all the piss will prevent flowers growing or even weeds. There will probably be a line.

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Fuck these guys. *ahem* FUCK THESE GUYS!!!!!! Mitch McConnell is a godawful excuse for a human being. Shame on the "G"OP!!

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An unrepentant, racist prick.

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"Get the Republicans to START.. (working across the aisle)..." When does that start? When THE FUCK does that start???

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It would be refreshing if these politicians on both sides of the aisle would just say “Because we’re in power, so nyah nyah nyah.”

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“Oh, we'd fill it," triggering loud laughter from the audience.

Hahahah yeah! Because pissing on the Constitution is always funny!

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Yes, and a long one at that. Look for me - I'm the fat bald guy with the round glasses.

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I'm guessing we'll need to organize a schedule... maybe sell tickets.

With the proceeds, we could probably retire the national debt, even after Ticketmaster takes their cut.

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In theory, I am really happy that ours is the side that tries to live by the rules, that tries to reach across the aisle, that tries to be consistent, that tries to respect the Constitution and the rule of law.

I really am. That shows me that I've thrown my lot in with the right side.

But our principles are so fucking inconvenient when we're up against pieces of outright Constitution-subverting pieces of turtle shit like McConnell, and it makes me want to scream and rampage.

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If the Democrats are only nice enough the repos will respond with open arms. Full of knives.

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The leader took a long sip of what appeared to be iced tea....

....but was actually straight Jim Beam.

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They don't have to. Their inbred constituents get it, and love being 'in' on 'the joke'. They don't get to be too very often, after all.

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