Like I said, their “horrible reasoning”

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I think john roberts has a book on the history of the supreme court. the chief justices who decided dred scott and plessy v ferguson thought they were doing the right thing at the time, it wasn't until much later that people were horrified by them. roberts is a student of history and he knows how a decision on a cultural issue like this might look fine now but when law students in 50 years look at the roberts court they'll be shocked at how anyone could have thought like that back in those days

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He's pretty rights-forward when it comes to Native Americans, it appears.

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And if you're the kind who doesn't trust their own ass skin for some reason and just have to hover, WIPE THE GODDAMNED SEAT!!!

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He is a smart person and a legal scholar. Unlike Boof McKegstand and Amy Covid Handmaid. Gorsuch is better than "Whitey" Thomas, also too.

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Alito boots the PA nonsense. He moved it up in his schedule. Apparently he was in a hurry to get rid of it. Probably stinking up the rest of the real cases they are considering.

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Hmm. He does have his moments. And as Land pointed out, Gorsuch is fairly competent. Not my cup of tea, but if ya gotta have a conservative, there are worse choices. LIke Kavvy and Barrette. If only we had a Justice Garland. Damn McConnell.

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Dallas, Oregon is piling up it’s national attention these days. That’s where the doctor is who got his license suspended after bragging to MAGAts that he and his clinic staff don’t mask-up to avoid COVID.

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Even the dark seems darker as we close in on the Winter Solstice.

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I've alway wondered what kind of magical wards they think are in place to prevent going in the "wrong" restroom that you'd gave to transition to get past them.

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This hatred directed towards a minuscule fraction of children boggles my mind.

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haters need targets and if the group is small it is easier to identify.

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"Behaved like a common criminal?" He IS a criminal no 2 ways about it. Get it together there Wonkette!

Like with Kyle Rittenhouse, so with Danny Presti, their heores can never do wrong, even when they are eating their babies.

And law? It's something they use to abuse others, not something that applies to them. Always has been this way.

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My sisters and I went to the opera once. The line for the men’s room came and went while the line for the ladies room went on and on they eventually made two lines for ladies with both bathrooms for ladies because intermission is only so long.

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The most surprising part of this is that, as Ms. Crofts noted, none of the usual whiners and complainers whined in. (Or as they say in England, whinged.) Usually, a decision like this should be good for at least a 5 page rant from Alito or Thomas. Barrett is likely keeping her powder dry, at least as a sop to the Chief -- until they swoop in to destroy abortion rights, or make carrying firearms in public mandatory, or require every child in the public schools to pray at least 5 times a day. (Just kidding on that last one. They won't require prayer five times a day because it would seem too Islamist. But the other shoe(s) from this court haven't even started dropping.

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Yeah, Roberts picks his targets (and battles) carefully. That's why he joined the liberals back when he still had the swing vote in those abortion cases, or why he decided to take one for the team and uphold the ACA. But he'll strike down voting rights or join a gun rights decision or dissent from a case establishing same sex marriage and not bat an eye.

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