I think the reason we don't have gun and campaign finance reform is pretty simple: money. The NRA bribes politicians to keep things how they are. There's not a lot of money to be made in forcing people to have babies they don't want, it fact it probably costs us quite a bit.

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As an older sexually-active woman whose babymaking equipment still hasn't completely shut down yet (I could still have a whoopsie), this scares the fuck out of me. Ain't no way in Hell I'm having a kid at my age if my contraception fails.

But I'm in CA, where (knock on wood) that shit will never fly, so I am speaking from an unfortunately privileged position.

Jesus H. Fucking Christ, why can't people just mind their own fucking business and keep their snouts out of other people's crotches? Problem solved.

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I recall reading a hella creepy article in The Atlantic a few months back about how the edifice of RWNJ think tanks and organizations are putting into place just such networks to welcome the coming baby boom.

Found it: https://www.theatlantic.com...

ETA: And the question then becomes: Why do these nuts want to put that infrastructure for taking care of babeeeez *only if* Roe v. Wade is overturned? If they cared so much about the babeeeeez, why not put into place the infrastructure earlier? Why not support Biden's current support to families in the way of the enhanced tax credits per month?

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But... if Roe v. Wade is overturned, what will Republicans fundraise on? How will they be able to shout "must protect babies" as their justification for everything one the babies are protected?

Have they thought this all the way through?

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Exactly. All this bullshit is to motivate the base to vote next year. The SCOTUS will not do much, they’ll claim they need to try harder (send more money, keep voting Republican, etc.,) and we’ll be back to where we are today.

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Well, thanks for the reminder to go give some money to Planned Parenthood right now!

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They'll probably go after contraception next. Or the gayz. Or transfolks. These people won't just go away when their pet project is achieved (at least I don't think they will).

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I disagree. The real way to stop this from happening again is to HAVE MORE THAN TWO REAL PARTIES! (Well, "real", at this point it's arguable whether the Republican party is even a real party anymore, but that's beside the point.)

Only having one legitimate party left that cares about the country and can possibly win any elections, that's how we got into this mess, cause either you agree with the Democratic position, or at this point, you're literally anti-democratic. That's a bad place for us to be in, as a country... why are there not more real options for people to choose from?

(Of course it's a bit of a conundrum, since how do we get from here to there, when at the moment any vote for anyone who doesn't have a "D" next to their name, is effectively a vote for the end of democracy...? I don't have the answer, but we need to do something...)

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"I feel like they think they're going to kill Roe V. Wade early enough before the midterms for the predominantly pro-choice American public to forget about it."

Trust me: It's not that big of a big deal to men, but women are not going to "forget" about losing bodily autonomy within a few months. If anything, it would drive turnout.

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I know people say we need more than two parties but both the UK and Israel have a parliamentary system with a bunch of parties and that didn't stop them from electing right-wing assholes. I saw somebody ask on Twitter just today how Netanyahu keeps getting re-elected and it's because with all those parties he only needs 30 percent of the vote.

I agree that one party rule is bad but I don't see how multiple parties automatically results in better outcomes.

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Dems have to play by one set of rules, Republicans get to play by another.

The worst part is that so much of it is self-imposed.

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Starting in my late 30s I assumed I was too old to get knocked up, and I was mostly right. Miscarriage intervened and today I’m grateful. Anyway I might be more careful if I had it do over, once this shit happens. Most abortions these days are done with pills, and I do not know how Gilead’s new laws will affect their administration. At the very least, doctors will be required to tell you the pills cause cancer.

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Perhaps we’re both right.

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Yes, it’s so tiresome. Thanks for pointing it out. I got sucked into a silly exchange, suggesting that my lack of enthusiasm for Bernie bashing meant I was ok with Roe being overturned. Sigh.

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It’s weird how you would conflate my objection to daily Bernie bashing to being ok with the last admin’s malfeasance, or being ok with Roe being overturned. It’s obnoxious and obtuse.

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Not only that, but they seem pretty ok with women's pain.

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