If I had a dollar for every Bro who spat "if Hillary was a REAL feminist, she would have divorced him" at me over the last four years, I'd be able to retire.

And thanks to the overwhelming fatigue from listening to these assholes mansplain feminism to me (and get it wrong), I really need to retire.

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Hillary would have called Mitch into the Oval Office and said "Don't fuck with me, Mitch".

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Write a tell-all, Melania, including why you married him.Instant best seller.

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Bill had great empathy and a magnetic personality.HW Bush did not, that's why Clinton won.Plus, my girlfriend and I were hot for him, but we wouldn't have done him in the White House.

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I think what defeated her was misogyny, misogyny from women too. Damn uppity woman.

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I completely agree. I'm not even a U.S. citizen and I was crossing my fingers and hoping Elizabeth Warren would be the nominee from the Democrat Party. Or failing her, but I REALLY wanted Warren, Stacey Abrams or Kamala Harris or Tammy Duckworth. Ocasio-Cortez too, as soon as she's old enough to run as a presidential candidate. But I had this picture in my mind, this wistful vision,of Trump being imbecile enough to say (and he would) "I don't think Senator Duckworth is a hero. I prefer heroes who didn't get their legs blown off." Duckworth would eviscerate him, if he had any guts to remove, and hand him his own putrid offal -- I mean metaphorically of course. Looks like all that is still just pipe dreams. Other nations from the U.K. to Australia by way of India have had women as their heads of state some time ago. Right wingers in America would still elect a chacma baboon rather than a woman. Any woman. And they just about did.

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The gnomes of Zurich got in the particle accelerator.

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Substitute warming muscle rub and I know exactly how you felt

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i chose not to respond to their answers to me. They avoided the questions I had asked completely.

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Yep, he is a sex addict, but a brilliant man and Hillary loves him, so I'm not going to judge.

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Gullible, puritanical idiots.

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She wouldn't sit home and bake cookies. They'll never forgive her for that. Assholes.

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I want him ousted with his name in disgrace.

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They call that "Trout Pout" there is a specific formula of proportion of the upper and lower lip, when they botch it, that is the result. I always think of Goldie Hawn's character in the "first wives club", screaming she wants "Mick Jagger lips"

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Thanks for these clips!

That woman should have been our president right now.

I'm signed up for Hulu just to watch the documentary.

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Someone has to always ruin our Hillary high.

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