Whoa, son, a corporation ain't 3/5 of a person.

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Maybe not anymore. If he fucked up the bankruptcy, he might just be on the hook for any and all the debt.

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It's hard to be found guilty beyond a reasonable dick.

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A truly free market would've made everything all better without the need for any governmental oppression.

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Can we build his jail cell on the banks of the Elk River?

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In his defense, he really didn't give a shit about anyone or anything else.

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Isn't it amazing how all the jerb creators are responsible for all the hard work that goes into the creation of all the products, and all the marketing and sales of those products when it comes time to distribute all the monies derived thereof? But when it comes time to take responsibility for all the time and effort that went into some giant epic fail, suddenly they have no idea what goes on outside the board room and they are all like, 'not in MY job description' to know how the books got cooked or that giant ecological disaster happened! Here's hoping he actually goes through the process and pays for his crimes before he goes all Ken Lay on the prosecutors' ass.

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Actually, the FBI is also pressing charges on polluting public waterways, which <i>is</i> a crime, but not as much fun as wire fraud and the other obvious fuckeries this ratbag has committed.

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Say it with me, everybody: Coal Kills! Also: have fun in jail, Mr Southern.

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I dunno... they'll have to outbid the tobacco industry <i>and</i> the Koch brothers.

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It's not the ham that's immune to prosecution in those jurisdictions, it's the pigs.

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Jokes on him: that bottle contained municipal water from Trenton.

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How can a corporation have an owner if corporations are people? Doesn't the 13th amendment apply?

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