Sometimes people claim that conservatives don't know what's funny, but Sean Hannity knows what's funny, like calling women "genitalia." In an interview with frothing radio rodent Mark Levin, who defended the honor of ladies everywhere by telling Martin Bashir
Hannity then said to Levin, "Anything that bleeds for 5 days straight and doesn't die can't be trusted anyway so fuck 'em."
Talk radio hosts are totally experts on <strike>modern voting patterns</strike> everything, so of course their advice is completely valid.
edit: I know Mark Levin is a lawyer with a background in government, but his grasp of electoral politics since the 1980s appears limited. Sean Hannity (like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh) is just some moron ex-disc jockey who lucked into having a radio show who idiots take seriously as a political expert for some reason.
And 3/4 of rock &amp; roll.
Real Americans&trade; are the only ones worth talking at.
The rights disdain for the vagina makes me wonder how in the hell they ever reproduce,neither of these 2 have had Genitalia since it had them
and neither one have a problem with selling their tinsey winsey pitch black souls to the highest bidder.
Not so long ago? Here in the south it is still the polite way of referring to anyone who isn&#039;t lily ass white AND legit Murkin born.
So they are going to talk to Hagel. The only other one is Colin Powell but he doesn&#039;t count because he is one of them there ethnic types.
Hannity then said to Levin, &quot;Anything that bleeds for 5 days straight and doesn&#039;t die can&#039;t be trusted anyway so fuck &#039;em.&quot;
I called them assholes.
Italian Millenials?
Genitalia-free, please.
What? Two out of four ain&#039;t good enough for ya?
Don&#039;t mess with my game when I&#039;m at the bar, you little tackleblock!!
What future does this portend for truck nutz?
I&#039;ve been calling wingnuts &quot;genitalia&quot; for years. You know, DICKS.
But the Republicans already represent their natural constinuency - drooling ignoramuses, xenophobic asshats, Jesus Freaks, and corrupt robber barons.
Talk radio hosts are totally experts on <strike>modern voting patterns</strike> everything, so of course their advice is completely valid.
edit: I know Mark Levin is a lawyer with a background in government, but his grasp of electoral politics since the 1980s appears limited. Sean Hannity (like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh) is just some moron ex-disc jockey who lucked into having a radio show who idiots take seriously as a political expert for some reason.