One of us! One of us! One of us!

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I like to read the articles without checking the byline. There's always a throwaway line where they tip their hands.

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My experience with that southern speech defect was in the early '60s. In NC. Jacksonville, to be specific. Guess what's there?Then there is that whole mustard on hamburger controversy which Pres Obama was criticized for. Southern boys and girls have been doing that for years. In fact, one of the earliest hamburger franchises, Jack-in-the-Box, even out in San Diego had as it's special sauce a mostly mustard and mayo dressing. Also '60s. I believe they no longer have that,or, it may be regional.

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Plenty of Scots -Irish in SW Virginia as well.

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in the end they can't hide the bodies....

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The guy I worked for many years ago had just moved here from Georgia and explained it this way:"Good ol' boys toss their empty beer cans into the bed of their truck as they're driving along, rednecks throw 'em on the side of the road".

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If it weren't for all the convention workers and medical people put at risk, I would actually want these idiots to get together and blow what they think is a non-existent disease all over each others breathing tissues. Share and enjoy, you GOP delegates, politicos and movers and shakers. Then go home and infect your local GOP candidates and voter outreach folks at the next fundraiser cookout. Make it a buffet while you're at it. Be sure to own the libs and not wear a mask. Lick some doorknobs, too.

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They got issues but I'mOut of tissues.

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I know this cohort from long experience in the general area. They have adopted trashiness as an identity badge. "We're trash, we don't care, get the fuck off my dock, whereza nuther beer, ooh, look who's fucking, get the cam'ras! Grab my pussy!"

Ugh. Mid-Missouri Boating Trash. Please don't block me.

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Don't ever meet Joe's mother.

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peckerwoodRichard Pryor's favorite,

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The mental image that phrase conjures.. https://media3.giphy.com/me...

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South Texas here, similar story.

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Upfist for Repuggalos.

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Great article in the Atlantic recently pondering how people who supposedly respect manly virtues could possibly support Orange Assmouth. It discussed the “manly” men in the past, who could drink and spit, and wave guns while drinking and spitting with the best of them, but respected women and supported anyone who did a full days work for a full days pay. And if someone dissed their wife or daughter or sister they would happily punch him in the face. Today’s manly men try to act like their fathers, but ignore all the parts of trump which are absolutely antithetical to everything their fathers believed in. Your neighbor sounds like the old school type.

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Mushroom sized?

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